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Lurchers Attack


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(I won't comment until later, just post a copy of the report) published 07 July 2009

Pet 'ripped to pieces' by lurchers

(photo on webpage, caption: Rosemary Reid from Whitehouse Veterinary Clinic with the King Charles Spaniel which was attacked by lurchers. (0707PG60)

A traumatised Derry dog owner has relived the horror of watching his pet being "ripped to

pieces" by marauding lurchers.

Galliagh resident Charlie Curran had just left his home for a walk with his "beautiful" King Charles Spaniel, Buddy, when the vicious killer dogs struck.

Three young children who were playing outside witnessed the blood-curdling scene.Mr Curran explained: "Within ten seconds we were going through the most horrific experience of my life. Two lurchers attacked my dog and ripped him to pieces in front of these children and my neighbours. We hit these dogs with everything we had, a spade, golf clubs, sticks . . . you name it, but the trained killers would not release their grips on Buddy."

One of Mr Curran's brave neighbours succeeded in separating the bloodthirsty canines from the family pet.

However, Buddy was very seriously injured in the heartbreaking June 24 attack and has been fighting for his life since. Buddy was last night undergoing further emergency surgery in an effort to save his life but his condition was described as "touch and go".

"Buddy has been in Whitehouse veterinary clinic receiving 24 hour care from a very professional team. On several occasions we had to talk about putting Buddy to sleep but thankfully - with the care of vet Damian Owens and his team - he is still here, just about.

"My dog was the happiest, funniest, most loving wee dog my family and I have ever had. Now we cannot count how many stitches Buddy has received, but his wee body is covered. He does not have enough skin left to fully stitch him up."

Mr Curran added that the owner of the unleashed lurchers which attacked Buddy had "not even bothered" to apologise.

Whitehouse veterinary clinic reported yesterday that staff were treating another small dog for serious injuries caused by a lurcher attack in the Galliagh area.

It was reported recently in the 'Journal' that lurchers were being used in illegal cat coursing in Derry. It was revealed that killer dog owners were attempting to trap cats for use in the blood-soaked events.
It was revealed that killer dog owners were attempting to trap cats for use in the blood-soaked events.

I shan't be commenting on this either I should imagine a few lurcher folk would not like what I have to say about this :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
It was revealed that killer dog owners were attempting to trap cats for use in the blood-soaked events.

I shan't be commenting on this either I should imagine a few lurcher folk would not like what I have to say about this :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
Just because lurchers were owned/used by cruel idiots does not mean lurcher folk support them!

my lurcher works, but goes home and falls asleep on the sofa with the cat!
The dogs should be PTS :angry:

They are a danger to everything and everyone if they are not

under coursing........what a terrible thing to train

them to do.

The idiot that are responsible for making them into what the

paper called ''vicious killer dogs'' should be fined and prevented

from keeping animals.
the owners should be PTS . I have a lurcher now and had a few over the years some working other not and non would have harm a cat or dog. its like any breed that attacks its the bloody owners falt
It was revealed that killer dog owners were attempting to trap cats for use in the blood-soaked events.

I shan't be commenting on this either I should imagine a few lurcher folk would not like what I have to say about this :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
Just because lurchers were owned/used by cruel idiots does not mean lurcher folk support them!

my lurcher works, but goes home and falls asleep on the sofa with the cat!

I know :thumbsup: and that is why I specifically said a "few" lurcher folk.

I also have a lurcher who sleeps with my cat - she would never harm a hair on his body.


Unfortunately there will always be the few who ruin the name of good dogs by using them for callous, moronic acts of cruelty :rant:
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It was revealed that killer dog owners were attempting to trap cats for use in the blood-soaked events.

I shan't be commenting on this either I should imagine a few lurcher folk would not like what I have to say about this :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
Just because lurchers were owned/used by cruel idiots does not mean lurcher folk support them!

my lurcher works, but goes home and falls asleep on the sofa with the cat!

same here...i was thinking BULLX types but i suppose it could be any breed if not trained right :rant:
That poor dog - and the idea of cat coursing for sport is totally disgusting :rant: :rant:
(I won't comment until later, just post a copy of the report) published 07 July 2009

Pet 'ripped to pieces' by lurchers

(photo on webpage, caption: Rosemary Reid from Whitehouse Veterinary Clinic with the King Charles Spaniel which was attacked by lurchers. (0707PG60)

A traumatised Derry dog owner has relived the horror of watching his pet being "ripped to

pieces" by marauding lurchers.

Galliagh resident Charlie Curran had just left his home for a walk with his "beautiful" King Charles Spaniel, Buddy, when the vicious killer dogs struck.

Three young children who were playing outside witnessed the blood-curdling scene.Mr Curran explained: "Within ten seconds we were going through the most horrific experience of my life. Two lurchers attacked my dog and ripped him to pieces in front of these children and my neighbours. We hit these dogs with everything we had, a spade, golf clubs, sticks . . . you name it, but the trained killers would not release their grips on Buddy."

One of Mr Curran's brave neighbours succeeded in separating the bloodthirsty canines from the family pet.

However, Buddy was very seriously injured in the heartbreaking June 24 attack and has been fighting for his life since. Buddy was last night undergoing further emergency surgery in an effort to save his life but his condition was described as "touch and go".

"Buddy has been in Whitehouse veterinary clinic receiving 24 hour care from a very professional team. On several occasions we had to talk about putting Buddy to sleep but thankfully - with the care of vet Damian Owens and his team - he is still here, just about.

"My dog was the happiest, funniest, most loving wee dog my family and I have ever had. Now we cannot count how many stitches Buddy has received, but his wee body is covered. He does not have enough skin left to fully stitch him up."

Mr Curran added that the owner of the unleashed lurchers which attacked Buddy had "not even bothered" to apologise.

Whitehouse veterinary clinic reported yesterday that staff were treating another small dog for serious injuries caused by a lurcher attack in the Galliagh area.

It was reported recently in the 'Journal' that lurchers were being used in illegal cat coursing in Derry. It was revealed that killer dog owners were attempting to trap cats for use in the blood-soaked events.
do you think that this sort of thing happens not only with these lurchers but other dogs in the hands of youngster.s? i have found a lot of lurcher's loyal, loving and well behaved, this seem.s out of character unless in the hands of kids who think it's a huge joke, was there any sign of the owners when this happened? :angry:
WTF i blame the f***king owners they need hanging from the nearest tree,

anycross of lurcher would do this in the hands of numpty's,

stuff like this just gives lurcher owners a bad name and gives more ammo to anti's
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WTF i blame the f***king owners they need hanging from the nearest tree,anycross of lurcher would do this in the hands of numpty's,

stuff like this just gives lurcher owners a bad name and gives more ammo to anti's

Here Here, well said, :thumbsup: Di
Although the owner of the spaniel called the dogs "trained killers", I very much doubt the lurchers' owners have trained their dogs to go after small dogs. If you work your dogs you want them to go after rabbits and you don't want them running off after other dogs and cats. Unfortunately I fear that many of our dogs if acting as a gang and not kept under control might attack and injure a small dog. I avoid letting my dogs off lead around other dogs; if I see a dog in the distance I call my dogs and put them on lead.

I find it especially frightening that hitting the dogs with sticks, etc did not deflect the dogs from their prey.

As I live fairly near the area in which the attack took place, I have already had a few people ask me what type of dogs mine are and/or asking me what is a lurcher.
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I can understand that it has caused distress and that people are now asking what kind of dog a lurcher is, next thing there is fear being put into peoples hearts and they start to cross the street when they see you coming and all you are doing is walking the same dog they have walked passed a thousand times, but the truth of the matter is that there will always be unwanted disasters. We live in a society where people hurt and even kill people, so do we then lock ourselves away from All people so that it can't happen to us? No,,,,it's an unfortunate accident, we hope, and lets pray it doesn't happen again, however if the owners semi allowed it, well then you must face the correction thats given, so sorry for the spaniel owner, my heart goes out to him, God bless
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i think to be quite honest it the owners of the dogs, that should have the name. they are not looking after the dogs well enough that they were out on the street unsupervised. my lucher is 6 months and she is the most loving pup in the world. even when my youngest is bittin her tail. i also have a staffy and if u treat them right there just as loyal and loving.. its the owners who should be blamed for all the wrong that there animals do... i do however feel so sorry for that man and his dog, but its quite scary that him and his neighbours were hitting the dogs with sticks and golf poles and they never let go..
OMG what a load of shit :rant: - im sorry but this story just puts a bad name to lurchers and their owners.

ANY and I repeat ANY dog can attack another and some are worse than others.

I have a working lurcher and he wouldnt hert a fly.......and neither would any of the other working and non working dogs I have owned over the years.

If those two dogs have done it before then they need to be put down and the owners need to be banned from owning dogs forever........all dogs as far as im concerned are killers, even the quietest dog can be provoked to harm someone or something.

And as for this piece of the story.....

We hit these dogs with everything we had, a spade, golf clubs, sticks . . . you name it, but the trained killers would not release their grips on Buddy."

What a bigger load of shit....any bloody dog hit like this would let go, unless they didnt really hit them very hard!! :-
OMG what a load of shit :rant: - im sorry but this story just puts a bad name to lurchers and their owners.ANY and I repeat ANY dog can attack another and some are worse than others.

I have a working lurcher and he wouldnt hert a fly.......and neither would any of the other working and non working dogs I have owned over the years.

If those two dogs have done it before then they need to be put down and the owners need to be banned from owning dogs forever........all dogs as far as im concerned are killers, even the quietest dog can be provoked to harm someone or something.

And as for this piece of the story.....

We hit these dogs with everything we had, a spade, golf clubs, sticks . . . you name it, but the trained killers would not release their grips on Buddy."

What a bigger load of shit....any bloody dog hit like this would let go, unless they didnt really hit them very hard!! :-
well said i could'nt put it better my self ;)