LSB 1331/1/F:
Lurcher - Saluki x Greyhound - bitch (entire)
Smooth coated (slightly thicker coat than normal, but no feathering)
Pearl white colour with light tan on both ears and on tail
One front claw was removed. Small lump in middle of forehead
Height: 24-25 ins
Age: 4 years
Stolen from: Effingham, Surrey on 18/1/03
Circumstance of loss: Thieves cut through wire fences (releasing a horse on to the road in the process!) and took the bitch from locked kennels.
Additional Info: Crime number has been issued by the Police.
Reward offered.
Interest has been shown in this bitch by travellers (from Kent) in the recent past.
Lurcher - Saluki x Greyhound - bitch (entire)
Smooth coated (slightly thicker coat than normal, but no feathering)
Pearl white colour with light tan on both ears and on tail
One front claw was removed. Small lump in middle of forehead
Height: 24-25 ins
Age: 4 years
Stolen from: Effingham, Surrey on 18/1/03
Circumstance of loss: Thieves cut through wire fences (releasing a horse on to the road in the process!) and took the bitch from locked kennels.
Additional Info: Crime number has been issued by the Police.
Reward offered.
Interest has been shown in this bitch by travellers (from Kent) in the recent past.