LSB 1581/11/F:
Lurcher - 1/2 Saluki x 1/4 Collie x 1/4 Greyhound- bitch (entire)
Saluki type coat
Faint merle speckles. Tan on legs and chest. White on chest
Feathered ears, feet and tail
Height: 24.5- 25 ins.
Age: 10 years
Name is "Speckle"
Went missing from: Darwin, Lancs. on 6/11/03
Circumstance of loss: A firework was thrown into the garden and she panicked and ran off.
Lurcher - 1/2 Saluki x 1/4 Collie x 1/4 Greyhound- bitch (entire)
Saluki type coat
Faint merle speckles. Tan on legs and chest. White on chest
Feathered ears, feet and tail
Height: 24.5- 25 ins.
Age: 10 years
Name is "Speckle"
Went missing from: Darwin, Lancs. on 6/11/03
Circumstance of loss: A firework was thrown into the garden and she panicked and ran off.