LSB 1570/11/F:
Lurcher - Norfolk type- bitch (entire)
Rough coated
Red fawn
Black muzzle. White on chest and belly. Some white on feet
Saluki type feathered ears. Stocky build.
Height: 23-24 ins.
Age: 8 months
Wearing a blue 1/2 check collar with 'chip ID tag
Name is "Lucy"
Went missing from: Dunstable, Beds. on 1/11/03
Circumstance of loss: Went missing from kennel in garden between 4-10 pm. Unknown to owner, there was a local firework display which could have spooked her and she may have run off in panic
Lurcher - Norfolk type- bitch (entire)
Rough coated
Red fawn
Black muzzle. White on chest and belly. Some white on feet
Saluki type feathered ears. Stocky build.
Height: 23-24 ins.
Age: 8 months
Wearing a blue 1/2 check collar with 'chip ID tag
Name is "Lucy"
Went missing from: Dunstable, Beds. on 1/11/03
Circumstance of loss: Went missing from kennel in garden between 4-10 pm. Unknown to owner, there was a local firework display which could have spooked her and she may have run off in panic