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Lump On Neck


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About an hour ago I noticed a lump on callys (greyhound) neck just under her jaw bone on the left hand side. theres no brocken skin no signes of a bit and she seasm ok in herself its about the size of a smail egg under her skin. I will keep an eye on her tonight and get her to the vets tomorrow anyone any ideas what it is.
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Wendy when you say a small egg, can you be a bit more specific in size? Are we talking mini-eggs size or creme eggs size? Also have dogs had or due to be fed now?
If it's not paining her then i'd just do like what you plan and leave it til the morning for the vet to check out. Without seeing it no-one can tell coz it could be 1 of a thousand things
it seams to be getting smaler its about 1 1/2 long now they were all feed at 3 oclock as normal
Like Vicky says it could be one of a hundred things, just wanted to make sure it wasn't a massive lump that was getting bigger.
just checkened in her mounth theres nothing looks odd in there so i will keep cloes eye on her till morning if it gets biger again or she looks out of sorts I will take her strat to the vets. think this is the houes of demics :lol:
well it hadnt got any biger o we took her to the vets this morning or tony did and shes got an enlarged limphe node so shes a an injection an got some tablets so she will join lacey twice a day for tablets and a magic bisuit after (magic biscuts are winalt biccys keeped in a little tin next to the drug cabinat and lacey is convinced there differnt to the normal ones and you only get them in you take your tablet nice :lol: :lol: :lol: . There as bad as kids any day but I love them :wub:
Callys gone back to the vets this morning she has had a full coures of antbiotics and the lumps still there its no biger or smaler they seamed to have no effect at all. We will have to see what the vet says today