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Lump At Base Of Tail


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last night i found a small lump at the base of one of the girls tail..... it is pea shaped, smooth edged and very moveable - i have seen the vet today who wants to wait two - three weeks to see if it grows

i asked him to take a needle biopsy but he said that at this stage the lump is too small....

i am reluctant to leave it as there is very little tissue to play with around the tail base but i also hate the thought of surgery ....

my usual vet is on holiday but will be back on Monday and i will ask her advice - she is used to me being a panicked wreck when it comes to my dogs...

has anyone else had a dog with a lump in this area?

we are out of our minds with worry as our girl does seem a little quieter than usual and is not chasing around with the others as much - she is eating/drinking normally and the lump does not seem painful....

any ideas?

thanks so much

t x

How old is your dog? Just a suggestion (obviously difficult to tell without seeing it and I'm no vet!) but if she is quite young it could be a histiocytoma, just a harmless lump that can easily be removed or left to disappear on its own (usually takes a few months to just go). My Grover had one when he was about 9 months old and the vet decided to remove it because it was in an awkward place on his elbow where it could get knocked. They don't spread and the vet didn't need a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. she could just tell from the lump itself.

I'd put a pic of Grover's on for comparison but the pics are on my other computer which isn't working :(

I wouldn't worry too much - whatever it is, even a couple of weeks shouldn't make a difference and it's better not to mess with these things unnecessarily. Has it got bigger since you noticed it/ changed colour or anything? I'm sure your girl will be just fine :)
My old greyhound had a lump just there, it didnt seem to bother her at all, but it did grow a bit. Our vet didnt want to remove it, mainly as she was quite elderly. We did have it removed in the end when she went in to have a dodgy looking lump removed from her ear. All were tested and all were benign.
thank you so much for replying x

my girl is almost five and the vet i saw said he had no idea what the lump was he just said that it was better to be smooth and moveable but he could not rule out Cancer from just feeling it and it is too small for a biopsy

his main worry was the area it was in

after a night of not sleeping and worrying myself sick i think we will have the lump removed as soon as my own vet is back - if i leave it i will drive my girl loopy by constantly comparing its size!

my worry is that she is definately not herself and she also had a strange season in June where she started to bleed but that lasted less than a week and was very slight and she did not swell at all.... i know this is unrelated to the lump but it is just another worry .... we are thinking of having her spayed whilst she is under for the lump removal :(
Hi Tracy Chase also had a small lump like this on his leg he was 18months old. As we were having him neutered the vet decided to remove it at the same time and send it off for biopsy. All was ok it wasnt cancerous and it said these lumps are quite common.I am like you I worry myself sick when he has something wrong with him and hate the thought of him having to have things done at the vets. About 2 weeks after his operation a rather large swelling came up in neck and when I first noticed it I felt sick, so off to the vets I go really worried turned out to be a reaction to where they injected him during the op and it disappeared after 3 weeks ! Try not to worry and I know that is is hard not to, hope all goes well .
Hi Tracy Chase also had a small lump like this on his leg he was 18months old. As we were having him neutered the vet decided to remove it at the same time and send it off for biopsy. All was ok it wasnt cancerous and it said these lumps are quite common.I am like you I worry myself sick when he has something wrong with him and hate the thought of him having to have things done at the vets. About 2 weeks after his operation a rather large swelling came up in neck and when I first noticed it I felt sick, so off to the vets I go really worried turned out to be a reaction to where they injected him during the op and it disappeared after 3 weeks ! Try not to worry and I know that is is hard not to, hope all goes well .
thank you

it is hard not to worry but she has eaten a good breakfast and is now sunbathing x
Hi Tracy Chase also had a small lump like this on his leg he was 18months old. As we were having him neutered the vet decided to remove it at the same time and send it off for biopsy. All was ok it wasnt cancerous and it said these lumps are quite common.I am like you I worry myself sick when he has something wrong with him and hate the thought of him having to have things done at the vets. About 2 weeks after his operation a rather large swelling came up in neck and when I first noticed it I felt sick, so off to the vets I go really worried turned out to be a reaction to where they injected him during the op and it disappeared after 3 weeks ! Try not to worry and I know that is is hard not to, hope all goes well .
thank you

it is hard not to worry but she has eaten a good breakfast and is now sunbathing x
Don't forget that she might be being a bit quiet in response to you being worried ....
Hi Tracy Chase also had a small lump like this on his leg he was 18months old. As we were having him neutered the vet decided to remove it at the same time and send it off for biopsy. All was ok it wasnt cancerous and it said these lumps are quite common.I am like you I worry myself sick when he has something wrong with him and hate the thought of him having to have things done at the vets. About 2 weeks after his operation a rather large swelling came up in neck and when I first noticed it I felt sick, so off to the vets I go really worried turned out to be a reaction to where they injected him during the op and it disappeared after 3 weeks ! Try not to worry and I know that is is hard not to, hope all goes well .
thank you

it is hard not to worry but she has eaten a good breakfast and is now sunbathing x
Don't forget that she might be being a bit quiet in response to you being worried ....
good point..... they do pick up on my moods...
Misty developed a pea sized lump at the base of her tail a few weeks ago and was walking slightly off. Same thing, moveable. I left it for a week and it went away. I have decided that it was probably a burst blood vessel. In human injuries, you often get a moveable lump where there has been a blow next to a bone (like the egg sized lump on head bumps). It usually goes away in a couple of weeks. Your vet is probably right suggesting that you wait and see. Dogs have a huge number of blood vessels at the base of their tails. :luck:
It does sound like histiocytoma. check this website

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or it could be a fatty cyst?
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It does sound like histiocytoma. check this website
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or it could be a fatty cyst?
hello x

the lump is under the skin :(

on the good side she seems so much brighter over the last few days - full of beans

sadly the lump is still there but it does not seem any bigger
thank you so much for replying xmy girl is almost five and the vet i saw said he had no idea what the lump was he just said that it was better to be smooth and moveable but he could not rule out Cancer from just feeling it and it is too small for a biopsy

his main worry was the area it was in

after a night of not sleeping and worrying myself sick i think we will have the lump removed as soon as my own vet is back - if i leave it i will drive my girl loopy by constantly comparing its size!

my worry is that she is definately not herself and she also had a strange season in June where she started to bleed but that lasted less than a week and was very slight and she did not swell at all.... i know this is unrelated to the lump but it is just another worry .... we are thinking of having her spayed whilst she is under for the lump removal :(
Hi Tracy, it is likely that she is having PHANTOM PREGNANCY symptoms. I have found that they start about 2 months after their season. They are not themselves, are withdrawn, and are just miserable. So the lump is likely not anything to do with her unusual behaviour. If this is the case, spaying her when you have the lump sorted out, should solve both problems.

I know it's no good me saying don't worry, but I'm going to in any case. . . .