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Lucy's Visit


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Lucy came for a visit the other day,& when her & Sophie met,I thought world war 3 was going to break out (w00t) Do they make some noise or what? :blink:


Anyway,after 5 minutes of friendly squabbles,they went out to play,& this time,wee Lucy had no problem heading off to the garden :b


Something must have tasted good :x


Being chased! :D


had enough now & heading back in ...........


......where they decided it was much warmer to play up by the radiator


Just a few random photo's here,

Flyn has been o.k. with the pup's but tends not to have much to do with them,but this is what I find when he thinks no-one is looking :huggles:


I just found this pic on Nigel's camera this morning,taken when I first got them

:wub: :wub:


I rearranged the furniture this morning,& Sophie definitely approved having the chair put in the bay window,where she sat for ages watching the birds

:wub: :wub: :wub: great pics, nice story as well, they must have enjoyed their visit and will probably sleep well tonight. :huggles:
Awww :wub: :wub: love seeing pics of Sophie and Lucy, they are great pics. :thumbsup:

My favorite has got to be the one taken of them both "when you first got them "

they look adorable together :wub: :wub:

awwww :wub: :wub: I want one.....wait, LOOK (w00t) I've got one!!!!

Have you told what Sophie has taught herself to do yet Debs? :- " :lol:

Think Zoomzie will be wearing the dunce-cap - nice but dim? :wub: :wub: :wub:

Zoomie starts obedience skoool on March 7th so that will be a hoot.... (w00t)
Have you told what Sophie has taught herself to do yet Debs? :- " :lol:

Sophie is one very clever little Iggy :)) o:)

A couple of weeks ago,I asked her to sit,& she did,it was definitely coincidence, BUT,since then,every time I ask her,she does it!! Now,she will sit & wait for 10 seconds,will retrieve & bring back & give her paw!!! o:) :wub:
Awww clever girl, she is as clever as she looks then :p :) :p

Lovely pictures. Never tire of seeing Sophie and Lucy - they are just adorable. :wub: :wub: That one in the bay window :wub: :thumbsup:

and I love your pictures with Murphy - he puts up with a lot dosnt he just. :- "

Mind you Oscar has the same nature - he is so funny at times its unreal. :lol: :lol:
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: Gorgeous pics! I can imagine the noise. :wacko: Bless 'em! And Flynn - soppy devil! :lol: Some stunning photos there Debs! :thumbsup:
Bay windows or windows in general were designed for iggies. You do know that you will never be able to move that furniture from there again as it is now a designeted Iggie lookout post :D
Love the one of Lucy diving off the step...... :lol: All really lovely photos.
these are so beautiful!i love all the pics but my absolute favourite is the one of lucy and sophie cuddled up together,they look gorgeous! :wub: :wub: :wub: