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Lovely Day


The one and Only ....
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I've had a lovely day :)

I skipped work something i haven't done for years so my daughter and me could

go shopping.

We had lunch out and came home loaded with goodies for ourselves as we have

both done our christmas present shoppping. Later on we got the decorations and

tree up...................the girls were both suitable you can see

sounds like a perfect day that Ann.. :thumbsup:

lovely picture as well :wub:
thats what i like to hear Ann, a nice girly day out :thumbsup:

glad you enjoyed yourselves :huggles:

bit bloody early for the dec's though isnt it :- "
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sounds like a brilliant day........ive not done a girly day out in ages
Yes it was fun :thumbsup:


No its not to early..................ive been waiting since the start of

november, didn't want to be the first on the street :lol:
loverly day out

I agree with hely to bloooy early for decs
To early................have you seen this ladies

Oh Ann, I haven't thought about Christmas yet. (w00t) I even saw some lights and trees tonight and it's not December yet. :wacko: I suppose I will have to do some shopping though, hopefully all of it online as I HATE shopping. :angry: I shall be glad when January is here. :D

Pauline & Ruby
if you think annsa early in my road theres houses with all there lights and decorations been up two weeks

i've still got birthdays to wade through before i think of christmas :D

Though I did wrap Rifle's Xmas pressies today! :lol: