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Lovely Day


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well lets just sniff here gang (w00t)

:lol: they are having fun there by the look of it :lol: did they have a bath when they got home? :lol: :lol:
What a lot of fun. My first whippet would walk a mile to go round a puddle, my current lot do the same on the lead - but off - they plough through everything, a right dirty little bunch they are!!!
they're having great fun aren't they !

ours is a right wimp on lead she skirts wet leaves, puddles, mud (thank god) but off lead she doesn't seem too ladylike about getting her nails dirty :lol:
Your dogs looked like they was living up to my name :)

Jack always used to get in a right mess when I took him running, sometimes when chacing balls he would trip over himself and do some sort of 360 degree breakdance spin on his back......Usually in mud....and usually just when hes just had a bath.

I recon it was preplanned myself

Your weather looks better than ours at the moment! We have gales here! :(

Looks like they're really enjoying the walk! :)
great thing about whippes no matter how dirty they get ( and believe me they were filthy when we got home )

an hour in the kitchen to dry off a nice bush and they are spotless again (w00t)
Lovely whippets and mud (w00t) nothing goes together better :lol: they are gorgeous Sharon :wub: :wub:
Looks like they all had a great time :thumbsup:
