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Lots of advice needed.


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I posted recently concerning my dog who had a "stroke". She is doing well after this, managing about half a mile although tired and a bit wobbly when we get home. I feel this may be far too soon possibly but her other issue is that she also has developed a stomach ulcer so she is on appropriate meds for this and eating small frequent meals of chicken and rice. She needs a bit of exercise to make her poo, which is minimal and soft or should I not worry too much about that at the moment.. Constipation is the last thing she needs!

My vet thought a sensitivity diet might be a good idea but didnt suggest which sort. I am waiting to hear from Elmos Kitchen who have posted on here but any advice from anyone who has had experience of this I would be grateful. I just feel she isn't getting enough sustenance.


Unfortunately our vets are not nutritionalists, they have very little training regards to food and feeding, they are trained to believe that our "convenient" dry kibbles are naturally the best!

It is no wonder that so many of our beloved pets are suffering from so many allergies and health problems !

I would suggest that you offer your girl some raw green tripe, although it smells absolutely foul it is a very nutritious product, very easy to digest and full of goodness. (do not try to cook it ! )
i lost my 16yo Tessie a couple of years ago, the last 4 years or so of her life she was plagued with mini strokes but she seemed to cope with it all.

She always wanted her walks, even when her rear legs had a mind of their own, I started out with a few times around the garden, then a little further each day,

After each stroke her eating habits changed, if she would gulp her food rather than chew it (might have been stroke affecting her bite) obviously this was not be good for her stomache so she became a little constipated.

Tripe worked wonders with the constipation plus she had to chew it, only downside of the tripe was the flatulence, she could clear Wembley Stadium in seconds.

She just passed away overnight in her sleep and the whole family miss her so much.

As for the ulcer, take advice from your vet about medication, pain releif etc. you dont want your dog in pain.

All foods end up in the stomache,,, depending on what the food is, determines how much acid is produced to break the food up, acid is definitely not good for ulcers, so some sort of ballanced diet is needed.

Please keep us all informed
