I am trying very hard to get my 4mnth Cockapoo to walk nicely on the lead. I spend a little time each day on training this behaviour and know it takes time. Am now trying my third method of keep changing direction and when on village green have been doing, fast, slow, forwards, backwards etc and this works really well. She enjoys it and concentrates on what we are doing. However when we are wanting to walk with her on lead when out, how on earth do I stop her pulling. I have read that you should never let her pull because this reinforces the behaviour but how do I get to go anywhere during the period that she is learning this behaviour. Do I not go out with her on lead until she has learnt to walk nicely? I had resorted to carrying her if I needed to get somewhere in order to not let her pull but she is getting too heavy now!
Any advice on what others have done would be much appreciated.
Any advice on what others have done would be much appreciated.