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Looking For Middle Aged Whippet


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A couple have asked me to find them a middle-aged dog to be a pet with them.

They recently lost their Beardie-cross.

The Woman loves to walk and is in the early stages of Alzeimers, her husband has Parkinsons.

If poss they would like a calm, loyal bitch. They will consider other breeds other than Whippets.
Try Whippet Rescue, there are 2 four year olds needing new homes in Scotland. Phone Annette Skelley on 01505 842123
May I just ask what happens to the dog if the woman deteriorates............I would not imagine a rescue approving a home in these circumstances and I would be quite concerned for the welfare of a dog in the future..............I also wouldn't associate the word whippet with calm and loyal...........................Bouncy and off at the first twitch of a blade of grass may-be. I think the couple should consider very carefully before taking this option, a chat with a GP or Practice nurse may help to make an informed decision. Perhaps a support group may help, she could perhaps accompany a friend or neighbour on dog walks and consider a less demanding pet, such as a cat :thumbsup:
Yes, the more I had thought about it the more I had come to the conclusion that I don't think it's such a good idea.

Dreadful when Elizabeth is able to walk for miles and it's her brain that's the problem.

Her husband is around and he is the other way round, brain fine but physically unable.

I had already invited her to come out with me for walks. God help her!
kirs said:
Dreadful when Elizabeth is able to walk for miles and it's her brain that's the problem.
You're not talking about me are you? Sounds about right :lol:

My parents are both rather elderly and infirm, not with degenerative conditions but they don't feel they could cope with another dog. We aslo walk a lab for an elderly friend. She and her husband got a new dog when she retired, but within a few months he had a severe stroke and spent the next few months in a nursing home; his wife then developed Lupus and can't walk that far now due to the severe arthritis associated with it. It was only because my OH helps out with the lab (and many other things) that meant she could cope at all; the lab would have had to be rehomed otherwise. :(

Unless the couple have children/friends who are fit and willing to help out it might be quite risky, and a shame if the (already older) dog had to be rehomed yet again if it doesn't work out :(