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Lookin' for answers


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1. How did the BWRA arrive at the 8-10% band for xanthines?

These figures first cropped up at the national committee meeting 11 Jan 1998.

At the same meeting the lab report of Avalanche at 9.3ug/ml theobromine was discussed. Jennings is on record as saying "all levels ..... were professionally discussed with the HFL". I don't believe it. I think the BWRA committee made up the 8-10 band to suit the Avalanche lab report.

2. If the theobromine found in Xstasy did not come from chocolate, where do Jennings and Ragnoli think it came from?

'There are other substances involved'. Jennings quoted in The Independent.

'The quantities of chocolate you would need to get these levels are huge'. Ragnoli quoted in the same article.

3. Who did the BWRA check with to verify that substances found had any effect?

BWRA Rule 28 is quite clear, a veterinary authority must be consulted in the event of a positive lab report to determine whether or not said substance(s) affected the dog's performance. The BWRA did not consult Mrs. Jones who was the BWRA vet at the time (I visited her surgery and asked her). The BWRA did not, as they claimed at Xstasy's appeal, consult the HFL. I have a letter from the HFL that says 'HFL does not undertake research on the effect of drugs on sporting performance.' The BWRA lied. And I don't think they consulted anybody.

4. Why did the Whippet News not publish nor even mention the BBC Radio 5 investigation into the BWRA?

The editor finds room to mention holidays to the Canaries or meetings with the Magpies in her editorials, but an investigation on national radio into BWRA dope testing incompetence warrants nothing.

I must admit to knowing the answer to this one but I'd like other views.

5. On the same topic, I sent Pauline Wright a copy of the tape with her assurance that she would post her opinion of it on this site. We're still waiting.

Plenty more where this came from, but this is enough for now.
sorry, but can you explain what this relates too...

i do know the greyhound derby champ 'Droopys Hewitt' I think, has been disqualified this week for failing a drugs test...

but, what is this all about?

i apologise for ignorance

I dont know if this will go on Mark as it seems if I want to post on k9 it must be read by a moderator first. That is why you did not get your reply. I will not be treated like a 5 year old, others say what thay think.

Apart from that what the hell as it to do with racing now its in the past, Its time to put the knives away as far as I am concerned and get on with the sport.

If racers do not trust the committees then why join in the first place.?

I go racing to have fun with my dogs and Im sick of all this, so are alot of others.

Its the first time Ive been on to read k9 in ages, as its nothing but back stabbing rubbish half the time. The sport cant move forward while all this is going on.

We are learning all the time about what we can or cant give our dogs.

Im not coming on k9 just to bitch or answer to you , I have better things to do.

pauline wright
Just to let you know Mark. Pauline Wright has tryed to reply to this post. But her reply seems to have been denied once again. Mum speakes her mind. But it seems the k9 team do not like it.
Pauline ,

If you don`t want to be treated as a 5 year then.............................

Most of the backstabbing seems to have gone since you were under moderator control - its interesting to compare K9 with forums were you were a moderator.

The issue isn`t in the past as the committee members and their apologist are still present and the rules are the same - " the sport can`t move on while all this is going on ". Typicaly those with no answer to the questions asked want to brush the subject aside and not discuss it. As usual your post contains no discusion of the issue.

You decided not to post on the topic or K9 prior to being under moderator control and posted your descion on the forum Unfortunatly you seem unable to stick by your principles.
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:D Tony Im glad things have improved since I stoped posting on k9.

I have no wish to post on it again. And please do get your facts straight I am not a moderator on any other site to do with dogs, apart from the one I manage for mainly younger members called barking mad.
Since mums last post did not go on I would just like to say Tony you know very little. My mother has principles and sticks to them.

She is moderator on no other site to do with dogs. Though she dos manage a site

for all types of dogs for fun only called barking mad. She has no interest in this site anymore. I do not wish to see her name printed on here again. If any of us have anything to say it will be to the persons face at a track.
i dare say that probly 75%of all whippet racers have given or used

something on their dogs,ie rub downs,creams,pill's,to help their dogs

recover from injuries not knowing if what they've used is legal or not

but until people know and what they can and cant use on their dogs then

i think only place whippet racing is going is down hill,why dindn't anyone

vote for a substance list to be added to their fed/bwra cards,least then no

one can say i didnt know it what i used was a banned substance,and can

anyone of yous guarrentee that the tests taken are sent to a real lab,and

that the test's are carried out correctly by someone who knows what they

are looking for,to be honest i loved whippet racing and meeting friends but

one thing for sure is i wont be coming back until something is sorted once

and for all,its a hobby and if people need to cheat to win then why do they bother cos they are only kidding themselves,i and most of you all have an

idea of some that cheat,they win all the little opens ect,come the derbys

and champs,golden jackets ,do they win ,no,only thing left for me to say

is im glad im out of it.but you never know could be back one day,if all gets

back to the way whippet racing should be.

As this is the second time you have told us you are not going to post anymore I`m not too optimistic you will stick to it but we will be more than happy to comply with your wishes.
I have a brilliant idea...

If MKP knows so much about drug testing and the drugs ect...

Why doesnt he become a vet or a tester himself?!

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one things for sure, anyone with an ounce of sense knows you cannot feed caffeine to your dog and not give a positive test ???

Why not use the International Olympic Committee rules or NGRC rules as a template? - at least then people would know were they stand and could trust those that have set the rules to understand the issue. It would be even better if the punishments given out were of similar severity.

Is a shame that a few petty small minded people spoil it for everyone else.
who are the few :(
How long have you been racing whippets Neil? - long enough to realise it`s being spoiled. Most racers are decent people but some will do anything for their own (perceived) personal glory. You know who they are or why else leave something you like?