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Look Who's Come To Live With Us


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Last Tuesday we had to have our old ginger cat Baggins PTS as he had cancer in his jaw. On the Thursday I went into the animal hospital & in the stray ward there was his double looking back at me. A little old ginger cat :( very thin & scraggy.

I had a quick cuddle (fatal error) & went away. Well, I kept thinking about him all day & of course eventually phoned them & said I'd foster him if the owner didn't turn up.

So, Monday comes around, his 7 days were up, no owner, Muggins here goes & gets him :- "

Except "he" turned out to be "she" & is now settled in my kitchen & named Frankie.

She is very thin, of unknown age, weighs 2.2kg & is full of flea dirt. I've combed her through twice now & still more is coming out, poor girl must have been so itchy. She's having about 5-6 small meals a day & has a good appetite so hopefully we'll fatten her up a bit.

I think she's getting on a bit as she seems a bit wobbly on her back legs & her teeth are not good. When she's in a bit better bodily condition we'll get a dental done so she feels better.

Then we find her a home :- " yeah, right, not staying here, ummm :- "

She is very affectionate & loves a cuddle, she even likes being brushed. Someone has loved her once, maybe her owner died or something but she is quite happy here now.
Think it's fate Julie and you can't fight that! (w00t)

Welcome to K9 Frankie!! :D :p :lol:
awww,what a cutie.shes lovely Julie :wub: .good on you for 'fostering' her. :- " our first cat was a large ginger tom.all my dobermanns were terrified on him.he used to sit on the arm of a chair and as they walked past his paw would flash out and hed send them scattering!usually with the scars of their last encounter to prove it! :lol:
Awwww, a ginger girl :wub: :wub: How unusual too :)

So lovely that she has a nice warm and caring place to be - bet she'll surprise you and come on in leaps and bounds now she's being looked after :))

Good on ya, Julie :huggles:
Even tho she looks about 10 she's probably only about 2 & we'll have her forever, so much for letting her live out her last few years with us.... :oops: I mean with whoever finally adopts her :- "

It is quite spooky really, that she should be there just after we'd lost Baggins. Also, our lovely next door neighbour Frank, died last March, he wasn't really a cat person, he liked his garden & all the neighbouring cats tended to use his garden as a loo :rant:

He did like our Baggins tho & called him "Mr Baggins" & would give him the leftovers from his Sunday roast every week :b

This is why Frankie is named Frankie. As a final weird twist, Tuesday would have been Franks birthday & that's when Frankie came home. Like you say Jac, Fate :))
Aww bless you...shes lovely...and Im sure you will give her a good life. :huggles:

I have a ginger cat too.. :wub: so I can see what you see in them... :huggles:


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awwww how lovely of you to "foster" her, :lol: naturally, you will trying hard to find her a permanent home. (w00t) :thumbsup: :wub:
aww thats a lovely story julie :) ,youve got a heart of gold :thumbsup: :huggles: and frankies a lucky girl :huggles:
You were obviously meant to find each other :huggles:
well done to you frankie will be very happy with you

Good on you for taking her in :thumbsup: Shes lovely AND a ginger female they're ususally males

She looks so contented :wub:
Frankie is :wub: beautiful and fate has obviously brought you together.

YOU KNOW :- " there's NO WAY you'll part with her now....Her FOSTER HOME....has become HER PERMANENT HOME!! Good on ya!! (w00t)
Frankie sems to be settling in ok. She doesn't seem too bothered about the dogs, I saw her rubbing her head on Scrumpys face earlier so I think she must have lived with dogs before. Even Rafferty has stopped stalking her as she isn't any fun at all & won't run away :- "

She hisses as the other cats but it's a bit half hearted really.

I'm still combing all the flea dirt out of her fur, it's absolutely caked in :x she's getting a bit fed up with me combing her now & has started to object.

When she goes for her dental in a couple of weeks I'll have to see if I can be there & give her a really good grooming whilst she's knocked out. Ugh!!! makes me itch just thinking of all that flea s**t :x