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Look What Weve Got At The Farm...


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Just got two new alpacas at the farm yesterday...what do you think :huggles: :wub: :huggles: They are being kept inside for a few days befoe they go out into a paddock soon.

Heres some more farm pictures, hope you enjoy them. :thumbsup:








shes 28 years old now :huggles:






750 acres to see


Jersey cows Buttercup, Norma Rose and Poppy :wub:

and specially for Susan ...the pigs....

Pinky and her 5 piglets..... :huggles:



Awwww what a fab job :D Tuppence :wub: :wub: I love donkeys :huggles: and bambi and the piglets :wub: :wub:
I enjoyed looking at them.........great pictures.........well done

Love the little black piglet :wub:
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Will the mum let you near the piglets Janis? :wub: :wub: :wub:
She isnt too happy when you climb in with her Lelsey (which we are not supposed to really :- " ) but shes only 3 years old and has been there since she was born so shes not too bad with us that work there because she knows we have food with us.. :lol: I have picked the piglets up when they are very small but when they squeal...boy does Pinky tell you off... (w00t)
oohhhh love the of my fav animals :D
Great pictures Janis, hard to pick a favourite they are all lovely :wub:

What a fab place to work :thumbsup:
my little lad billy has just been looking at your photos and said

"thats a nice cock"..............think he meant the peacock :- "
fab pix janis you have such a nice job the peacock :wub:
(w00t) I love donkeys :wub: ....and pigs! :D Do Alpacas spit like llamas?? :unsure:

littlenell said:
(w00t) I love donkeys :wub: ....and pigs! :D Do Alpacas spit like llamas?? :unsure: Tina

They are capable of spitting but these two are really nice - both males - :huggles: they making weird little mewing noises - its so cute. :huggles:
love your job,all them beautiful animals every day in your life,im so envious janis :- " :D
How lucky are you working with all of those different kind of animals (I just have dogs and cats to work with) .......Love the piglets and Jersey cows :wub:
:huggles: Love the pigs :huggles:

Brings back great memories :thumbsup:

If you hold a wee pig by the back leg, it wont scream :) ,,if you cuddle it,,it will scream the house down :lol: :lol:

What breed is she, we kept landrace, largewhite and duroc.

Largewhite's were huge, but great to work with, Landrace a pain , with the floppy ears, and Duroc,,nice brown/red colour.

We AI'd a largewhite with a Duroc and got lovley spotted/red piglets, who went on to win at the Highland show, yrs back.

I had a few scary moments with sows and new borns,,,I was only 17 and just new to the farm. I did not know sows could run at 50mph if you were moving the piglets (w00t) and they would have you. I learned very quicky to vault door,s pens and stall's if need be to get out of the way (w00t)

Boars were better in my eyes, they would answer to their names and come when called :D . A lot bigger than sows or gilts but you could read them better
I only have the normal photo's of some of the pigs I used to work with , so cant post them on here.

Does your pig like polo mints :D ,,I used to give all the farrowing sows/gilts a polo mint and half an apple at christmas. I used to leave the radio on all night for the farrowing sows,My manager thought I was daft till the birth rate went from 80% to almost 95%. Not long after I was in charge of the farrowing houses :thumbsup: ,,,19 yrs old and in charge, Wish my body would let me do it all again as it's mostly outside farming now :D , a lot better for the sow's, a wee bit harder for the new borns, as sows can be thick and lay on the new borns :(

How many sows does your farm have ?, Do you have the boar too, is your pigs in a pen or do they get out into a field for the day :)

I think we need a piggy topic :oops: :lol: :lol:

Im piggy/whippet mad,,love them both,,not pot bellied pigs though,,they can never be pets as need to be free and do as they like :oops: :thumbsup:
what a brilliant job you've got, I'd much rather work with your 'colleagues' than some of mine (w00t)
Ooooooooooooh...........Alpacas, if i get my wish to move somewhere with few acres, the first thing i'll do is to get some alpacas and peacocks. :)

Lucky Janis, to have all these animals and getting paid for it :)
Susan said:
I only have the normal photo's of some of the pigs I used to work with , so cant post them on here.
Does your pig like polo mints  :D ,,I used to give all the farrowing sows/gilts a polo mint and half an apple at christmas. I used to leave the radio on all night for the farrowing sows,My manager thought I was daft till the birth rate went from 80% to almost 95%. Not long after I was in charge of the farrowing houses  :thumbsup: ,,,19 yrs old and in charge, Wish my body would let me do it all again as it's mostly outside farming now  :D , a lot better for the sow's, a wee bit harder for the new borns, as sows can be thick and lay on the new borns  :(

How many sows does your farm have ?, Do you have the boar too, is your pigs in a pen or do they get out into a field for the day  :)

I think we need a piggy topic  :oops:   :lol:   :lol:

Im piggy/whippet mad,,love them both,,not pot bellied pigs though,,they can never be pets as need to be free and do as they like  :oops:   :thumbsup:


at the moment we have Pinky who is a landrace/large white cross and Tilly who is a saddleback sow. Boris our boar is a saddleback cross - he is all black and the father of the piglets. Tilly is in pig at the moment - so piglets due soon fingers crossed.

Pinky has a habit of squashing her babies too Susan, she did have 11 this time....but we only have 5 left and she did the same with her last litter :( so we are possibly looking for another sow for next year.

My grandfather and grandmother used to breed pigs when I was small....(they had 3 large allotments) I can remember it well, when she used to bring piglets inside the house when a sow was ill or had died...they used to stay in a large box around the open fire/oven...and we used to feed them with a bottle - heaven :huggles: :huggles:

I think my love of pigs comes from my childhood too... :thumbsup: :)

I will try and find some photos of the pigs from other years at the farm for you too... :thumbsup:
Sorry for hijacking you're topic here.But could i just say for those who are interested in coming to the show at Donemana,county Tyrone ,N.Ireland.This is exactly the kind of farm where the show is being run,with all these type's of animal's.There will also be bouncy castle's n stuff for the kid's.All of the above is for £3.50 per child,with no extra cost's for the tour,or bouncy stuff.A good family day out for all. Again sorry for using you're thread. :cheers: ...Billy...