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Longhaired Whippet Pics

lovely looking dogs esp cruise :wub:

can you please explain the origins of the breed , im curious :thumbsup:'s a touchy subject. There are two theories:

1) They were developed from stock that carried a longer coat and over a time of line breeding the longer coat was developed.

2) They are croosed with some other breed.

My opinion:

I really don't care where they came from or how they were developed. I have done A LOT of research in other breeds where odd coat lengths or weird colours/patterns have showed up out of nowhere, it's very interesting. Theory one is certainly possable.

However, theory two is just as possable. Even responsable breeders can have a slip up and not realize his bitch has been accidentaly bred by an unitended suiter. Whatever the case, they DO breed true and DO have the exact same standard as smooth whippets with the exception of the coat. They are, in all repsects, a whippet with a long coat. The polotics get pretty scary but I'm not really into the "show" scene so I don't really care. They are just as wonderful as their smooth counter parts but do better in colder countries like Canada.

Glade you like! :)

They are called LURCHERS to me :- "

They are merely whippet crosses that can be found on most travellers campsites :b
Lurchers they may be, but is there anything wrong with that? I LOVE their looks and thier personalities, had any Lurchers been available where I am I would have LOVED to have one. Unfourtunatly, they aren't that common here. :(

i do think they are very pretty and the coat looks very silky, would be interesting to find out more of the origins, all breeds can have a throw back but how deep that theory would go is questionable, take the lady not so long ago in the news white wife white hubby married and settled , gave birth to a black child, of course the hubby thought she had cheated and left, she was shocked to the core as you can imagine and insisted on her innocence, dna profiling proved HER right the child was of the hubbys and turned out 6 generations back the relative had a child with a black housemaid (w00t)

nb sorry for the political incorrectness and no rascism is meant just late at night typing and cant be bothered to be pc on the pc :thumbsup:
FoxyDog said:
Lurchers they may be, but is there anything wrong with that?  I LOVE their looks and thier personalities, had any Lurchers been available where I am I would have LOVED to have one. Unfourtunatly, they aren't that common here. :(

Long haired whippets, lurchers, whatever, lovely dogs, your happy with em thats all as matters


No problem!

Like I said, I don't really care either way. There are LOTS of web sites with info on them about both theories. I LOVE Lurchers which was why I was drawn to them in the first place, but none of the rescues I contacted in England would ship them over seas. It has got me interested in genetics which is REALLY cool too, I've seen Labs which are both black AND yellow and longahaired Dalmations! Crazy!

i was brought up with good fashioned lurchers and think they are great! we like what we like simple as , just an interesting subject and im curious :thumbsup:
FoxyDog said:
Lurchers they may be, but is there anything wrong with that? I LOVE their looks and thier personalities, had any Lurchers been available where I am I would have LOVED to have one. Unfourtunatly, they aren't that common here. :(


I wasn't aware i had said there was anything wrong with them. :- "

Just stating a fact, a lurcher is a lurcher the world over ;)
Sorry Nina,

no you didn't say that there was anything wrong with Lurchers. It's just a comment we get a lot as if being a Lurcher was a bad thing and I LOVE them so I did get a little defensive. Sorry :)

FoxyDog said:
Sorry Nina,

no you didn't say that there was anything wrong with Lurchers. It's just a comment we get a lot as if being a Lurcher was a bad thing and I LOVE them so I did get a little defensive. Sorry :)


No problem. I stick to facts, not likes & dislikes.

Whether i like them or not is irrelevant, but i beleive in calling a mongrel a mongrel NOT a Puggle, or a labradoodle or any other ridiculous name, same as a lurcher is a lurcher NOT a long haired whippet/grehound or ig :wacko:
Again, this is all matter of opinion, not fact. The truth is that we don't know for sure either way and can't prove it either way. I also don't call them Lurchers because Lurchers have no defined standard and do not breed true. If someone someday decided to breed lurchers to a standard and came up with a dog that like to like begets like than you could call it a breed after a time .

There are two groups breeding Longhairs. I investigated both and found through outside sources (unrealated to either group) that one club are not responsable breeders and have been know to outcross their lines (hence some of the confution). There is also another group which used the Longhaired Whippets as their foundation stock for breeding a smaller Borzio-like dog (which adds even more confution).

It's just my opinion that regardless of the dogs origin it is still bred to be a whippet with long hair.

I like Ladradoodles, cockapoos, and some other crossbreeds. If some day they are able to get them to breed true then I'd have no problem calling them a breed. I'm a very open kind of person.

Above all, I think it's great that there are so many breeds and crosses to choose from when it comes to dogs, everyone can find something that they like.

whatever they are there gorgeous looking dogs :wub: :wub: :wub:
so.. is this the Silken Windhund? Or Silnky Windsprite?

We have one here in Dubai - the dog is AMAZING.. he moves with such a grace!

And he does look slightly borsoi-ish - and I find that it really adds to his elegance.. :wub:
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