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Lola - puppy with vision problems maybe due to hydrocephalus


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Hi there,

I'm introducing my new puppy Lola who I have had for 2 weeks. She is 11 weeks now and is a lovely natured and happy crossbreed, mainly poodle. We needed a dog who would not affect our allergies/asthma and she has been ideal! The love and fun she has brought into our life is amazing!

One massive problem however is that this may all be cut short due to the vet telling us on Thursday that he thinks she has hydrocephalus. We had already noticed that her vision did not seem right. But she didnt seem to be coping badly and is so happy and bright that we didnt worry too much about it and just waited to see the vet.

The vision isnt a problem for us as I know it is perfectly possible to cope with a dog with less than perfect eysight and we love her so are prepared to do our very best for her. What is infinitely more worrying is the hydrocephalus as I have terrified myself by searching on the internet. Unfortunately, she does not have insurance as I was waiting for her to be chipped first - I know I've made a major mistake! The vet is going to speak to a neurologist to have it confirmed and Lola will probably need to see them.

Does anybody out there have anything positive they can tell us about Lola's prognosis? It all seems very pessimistic with the vet saying that she may not live beyond 4 months although he cannot be sure. The only thing I can say is that you would never think there was anything wrong with her (apart from her not looking right at you and bumping into things a little) and she is so very happy and healthy in every other way.

Any information and advice would be gratefully received.

I have no knowledge of these things and I hope it dosnt turn out to be bad news. I am waiting for news of a lump just taken out of my dog so I know how you feel a bit.

Give her the best life you can and love her as much as possible.
Thanks! I hope your dog is okay too! We are still awaiting seeing a neurologist then I suppose we will know more. However, she is still bright and well so fingers crossed!
Hi and welcome to the forum from Rocky and me.

Sorry I have no experience with this condition, sending big hugs to you all though.
You say she is a poodle cross you know what other breeds are involved? Is she a rescue or purpose bred dog? If this pup is facing major neurological difficulties and belonged to me, I would seriously ask myself what is best in the pups interest, never mind insurance etc. Insurance probably won't help such an affliction, so you are left with a tough decision......what is best in the dogs interest......