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Live Chat?


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Hi Nigel,

Is live chat meant to be dis-abled ?

I was wondering that too. Have tried to enter seveal times with same rresult :oops:
It stopped after the host changed the Operating System on the server. I've asked them a couple of times to see if they could restore it but had no response so far... I push them again.
Live Chat is back... The host had quite a few problems getting it to work with the new OS but all seems well now.
When do people use the chat room?? I have been in several times - different times of day and evening - and no-one else there. I see it always shows 0 after live chat at the top - evan when I'm there!! Janet
;) I have tried to go into live chat numerous times also, but nobody ever there. :D
The new software, when it's installed (next weekend I hope) will have a list of people who are in the chat room. This will be a list underneath the existing list of active members on the first page.

I hope that will attract a few more people to use it. Also it uses Flash technology instead of Java - so it may work on a few more peoples browsers.