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Linda Waldron


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This post is definately from myself "Linda Waldron" -

I would like to advise all members and guests of both K9 and Fastrack that contrary to rumour and what certain twisted people would have you believe (and I will find out who you are!!!!) I have not made any comments about anyone under an alias on either of these sites - Any comments I wish to make about any subject will only be done face to face with the person or persons concerned. However, I feel in the light of things at the moment I would like to say the following:-

"Dave and I have been honest, hardworking ambassadors for this sport for many years, but we have both over the last 12 months had enough of all the two faced comments, backbiting , backstabbing and general ill feeling that is now in this sport. Think about it..... we have willingly given up our time to organise and help out at many opens over the years, sometimes travelling a couple of hundred miles with no dog to run, especially at Bend Meetings, working hard all day in hail rain or shine to make sure that you the racer could attend a well run and organised open, to get home late that night to hear snidey comments of how much expenses we have claimed for the day - let me assure you all, any expenses we have ever taken and this has been very rare, would not even half fill my pertol tank (Fact).

It seems to us the more you do the more people will have a go at you.

Well we have decided to sit back and let some of the mouth pieces get of their backsides and see if they can do better, Good Luck to you!

We are all for freedom of speech, but one word of advice, check your facts before making whimsical comments based on hearsay, which are just adding to the downfall of this sport.
I am sure i speak for everyone when i say we are sorry to hear that lynn and Dave have decided to stand down from the FED committee, ;) as i have said before no one can say they have not had a good days racing when they have attended a NWRF race meeting, and i have seen with my own eyes, as every one else must have, the amount of work that the FED committe puts in to make these meetings well run events........ :p

I do not know much about pc's but would some one tell me how some one else can use another person's email and ips :wacko: :oops: sorry linda i always thought your name was lynn
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If unscrupulous people want to post anonymously or even worse steal someones identity to post on internet sites such as K9 it is I`m afraid all too easy to do so, which is why we insist that all those wanting to post make themselves known to the moderators if they wish to post anything "contoversial". The post on this site was directed at someone else and not the Waldrons but the IP adress was disguised to make it seem was the Waldrons who posted. (although none of the moderators on this site are responsible for releasing the Waldrons name)

On behalf of K9 I`d like to be clear that we do not believe that these posts originated from the Waldrons and any futher posts from this IP adress/e-mail account will be deleted.

On a personal note I`d also like to add that while I don`t believe that the Waldrons have anything but the best interest of whippet racing in mind and I don`t question their integrity, as NWRF committe members acusations of benifiting from expenses do go with the territory and always has. The NWRF has never to my knowledge made public its accounts which doesn`t help as does having committee members whose integrity has been questioned on several occasions over different matters.

I`m sure most whippet racers would like to thank Linda and Dave Waldron for all the hard work and effort they have put into the sport over many years. Its a pity to lose people like this.
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I can't really say much more than what Tony has - i think he just about sums it up!!!
As many may have seem fast track has been taken down, due to these people using Lyn Walton's id,

Tony Taylor has said every thing that needed to be said.

The meeting at Afford, Melton Mowbray on 18th January 2004 1.30pm is in no way a reflection on any other committee members other than Yvonne and Tony due to there own double standards on the own rulings.

I would like to say thank you to Lyn and Dave for all there hard work over the years , and wish them both the best for the future.
One of the issue which we the members are trying to raise is...WHY has a member been banned just because she is married to some one who told two of the FED committee what he and many other people believe to be the truth.... :angry:

also WHY has their dogs been banned, they have not had a sample come back that is positive so why can't they race :b

maybe some one is trying to turn our attention away from certain issues by creating a diversion....... :unsure: :thumbsup:
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We too are also very sorry that this couple feel the need to stand down.

Linda was the only one on the F E D committee that we felt treated us with any sense of fair play and justice.

The only crime I committed back then was the use of bad language and it was not as a result of drink,( I don't drink when driving and rarely at all) just sheer frustration in my findings- after exploring what I was informed were the right channels i.e. a complaint to the clerk of the course which was Tony that day.

But after all that, the way that Karen and Harry were treat was most unfair and disgraceful and we are under no illusion as to why this was done- due to my misgivings they were penalised as seems to have happened with Mrs Bailey-must be par for the course-this seems a strange way to deal with women and young children when they are found guilty by association.

I personally was not going to mention what has gone on in the past as it no longer serves any purpose but Karen for many reasons can't let it go and neither can Harry who still feels both he and Meg were terribly wronged, robbed and cheated.

We are sure though that Dave and Linda's decision to resign can only be a retrograde step for racing in general.

By the way- On a happier note-Harry is 14 years old tomorrow and is being interviewed by Radio Lancashire again.
So Steve where you actually banned for speaking your mind then ..

I think it was disgraceful the way you were all treated i know it played a great part in Fluke not winning the top ten points that reflection on Show Three as Peter and Michelle deserved it.

My heart went out to young Harry..

Its Teriann birthday tomorrow to sweet sixteen and she isn't going anywhere she busy revising for mock exams :wacko:
Linda and Dave have been true ambassadors to the sport, also true freinds to us over the years. I have sat in the car drinking hot coffee trying to keep warm at many opens while Linda has stood freezing cold and wet though on the judging line and Dave has worked the lure.

One event at Fordy we were parked next to their van. After Linda had booked the dogs in and Dave had made sure all was ready on the track. Thay returned to the van to put Lindas paperwork and other bits safley away, then walked staight over to the track to start the open.

Most racers had enjoyed a nice cooked breakfast in the club house.

I didnt see Linda or Dave evan having chance to get a coffee.

Computors have made it far to easy for cowards to hide behind a keyboard and post damaging hurtfull posts about others, thay would never say to their faces.

To Linda and Dave our deepest thanks for all the hard work you have both done and for being true freinds.

Pauline, Ken and Kevin. :huggles:
No, not banned-had to write a letter of apology,which I did, then they decided not to publish it in the whippet news for reasons unknown to myself- The goal posts were then changed and I was told that the management at the stadium were upset but I had already apologised to them on the phone and they couldn't have given two hoots about what I had said at the meeting and told me that I was welcome anytime. They also said that the only person upset by it was Tony's partner-(their words)-They were more than used to high spirits as they put it with greyhound owners at least 3 times a week. I decided myself to not to run with the fed and only after other peoples persuasion towards the end of the year did Karen and Harry ask about membership for themselves-not myself.

Harry and Karen were told that they could not run at the Championships-most points! but could run the following week at the Golden Jacket!!

Had it been left to me we still would have not been running with the them but that would have been unfair to Harry who also deserved it!

At the end of the day though- Top Ten Points have never been our priority as some may presume and not many dogs could manage to come 2nd just running with one organisation as Meg did and also having to cope with her 6 monthly season.

She has more than justified herself to us and thats all that matters and Harry has had an invaluable lesson in the school of life which I'm sure he will remember.
I dont understand were not allowed to run at the bend champs but could run the week later ...who made these decisions? and why ....
i remember it all very well steve, it was well out of order, dosnt this just tell us more about the way in wich 2 people run a once great federation ,its time for

members to have a say in our beloved sport,,,,,
Harry and I spoke directly to Yvonne a week before the champs, face to face asking if we could run then- we were told by her that we could not join on the day.

We pointed out that if we sent the necessaries by post either that night or the next day we would have ample time. The answer was no 'you cannot run at the champs but you can run at the Golden Jacket'

We found out later that others had joined and had had their memberships sorted inbetween us asking, that week.

We declined the offer of the Golden Jacket event, naturally.

Karen Boyd