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Lily & Mia


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Last week I brought home 2 girls needing new home. Mia went next day to home organized by our club.
Fortunately, the plumbers who supposed to come and install my new hotwater system did not turn up, so my backyard fences are still intact. I have been without hot water for the past couple of weeks, but who cares it's still summer here. :) And actually, to be fair they did turn up once this week, but they were 4 hours late and i had more important things to do than to sit here whole day - I was picking up the girls from other side of the city :oops:
So I just have Lily here who has some kind of back injury, she is very uncoordinated. Apparently she was like that since the girl got her. But she is the sweetest Whippet I ever known.
She has a new home to go to interstate. She was here with me for only few days but I am going to miss her
This show little bit the weekness of her hind legs
...and another one. When she gets bit tired she favours her right hind leg a bit.
I thought these two were rehomed together. Did I miss read Colins post?

Well done Lida on putting the welfare of these dogs above your own problems :thumbsup: I hope both Lily and Mia live long and happy lives with their new owners. Here's hoping that their former owner's life continues to improve as well, and that she gets some peace in knowing that her dogs are safe and loved even if they are no longer with her :huggles:
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They are both so beautiful :wub: . Well done Lida for everything you have done for them, thet were very lucky to find you at this difficukt time in their lives :huggles: , and good luck to them in their new homes :luck: .
They're both lovely, but Lily is :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: Well done all. :huggles:
:cheers: :thumbsup: Great news! The original owner of the girls has heard from the new owner of Mia, and he is absolutely besotted with Mia. Well, I not surpised, she is a real sweetie. :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
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Well done Lida, 2 beautiful girls in safe hands. Their previous owner must be so pleased for them to find such wonderful care and kindness along the way to their new homes. Keep up the good work :thumbsup:
Well done Lida :cheers: 2 lovely whippets - heres wishing them lots of Good Luck for the future. :luck: :luck:
Well Done for helping them :thumbsup:

Why would you need hot water when you have whippets to lick you clean (w00t)
Beautiful sweet Lily flew to Sydney to her new home this afternoon and i have heard she arrived well and happy. I will miss her...... :(
Awww :huggles: Im sure you will but very well done for your hard work. :thumbsup: good luck girl in your new home :luck: :luck:
Lily has settled in really well. My friends took her to their vets, they are bit puzzled by her symptoms; there are signs of neurological damage, but no muscle wastage. They are going to run some tests. :thumbsup:

Lily and Kobi
lovely to hear that both girls have nice new homes, even if they couldn't stay together, must be very hard on them :( good job there are kind people like you to foster them :cheers:
Julie D said:
l even if they couldn't stay together, must be very hard on them 
I tried to get the man who was taking Mia to take Lily as well, but he goes for long walks over rough terrain, and felt Lily would not be able to keep up.

Actually, Mia just walked away with him without a bacward glance, while lily was hapilly playing with my dogs, not showing any desire to go as well (w00t) . I was very surprised.

Also Lily was very skinny, and Mia was almost fat - the photos do not quite show it. While Lily was here it was a daily struggle to get her to eat, and keeping the other dogs away from the food. I fed her small meals several times a day, untill she started to eat better. I am getting reports from Sydney that she is eating really well and even put some weight on :thumbsup:
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