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Letter To My Neighbour


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Dear Neighbour

It was good to meet you and your dog once again this morning. I’m sorry the circumstances were such that we couldn’t have a proper chat, but I’m afraid that being in a situation where I was restraining my three agitated and angry dogs whilst trying to ward your dog off with my foot as he tried to hump them indiscriminately wasn’t conducive to chit-chat.

Unfortunately we have had similar encounters several times since you moved here a few weeks ago, and as my dogs are a neutered male and two spayed females who don’t appreciate you dog’s relentless advances things can get a little lively when we meet, so I thought perhaps a letter might help to break the ice as it were.

I appreciate that your dog ran over two fields and nearly a quarter of a mile to get to mine, so it was going to take you a little time to get there to retrieve him. However for next time I’d suggest spending 15 minutes standing two fields away angrily screaming his name possibly wasn’t the best use of your time? It hasn’t worked on any previous occasion and didn’t work this morning, so could I respectfully suggest that next time you cut that part out of the process and come and get your dog straight away?

Anyway, I was sure as hell pleased to see you after 25 minutes of my dogs being humped, barged and jumped on. It was a shame that having finally managed to catch your dog and get hold of his collar you only let us get a few yards down the path before you released him, so he immediately came after us and the whole performance started again, but hey that’s dogs for you – whoever in the world could have predicted he would do that?

We did talk a little last time about how you could stop your dog continuously running off and bothering other dogs, and I’ll accept that you have indeed tried ‘everything’ – except training apparently. Or rewards, as he ‘should’ do what you tell him without them. Dogs are certainly clever animals, but I’d never before realised that they had a sense of ethics and obligation to do the right thing, I certainly learned a few things from our conversation. To think of all that time I’ve wasted with clickers and treats!

On that subject, I’m still I’m not entirely sure how smacking him when you do finally manage to get hold of him will make him easier to catch next time, perhaps you could talk me through that one next time we meet?

We also briefly discussed that neutering might help curb his desire to streak off into the distance hump anything that moved, but you mentioned that you were considering using him at stud in due course as he a pedigree Labrador with Papers; and he’s chocolate – that’s important apparently.

Now I certainly can’t claim to know a lot about Labradors, but if the standard for the breed specifies a potato-shaped body and short, stumpy legs your boy is certainly a fine example. Health checks, you tell me, are unnecessary as he has Papers. I hate to break it to you - so does my newsagent but that doesn’t make me want to have his babies.

You told me that you’d thought about an electric shock collar to tackle his tendency to run off, but were concerned about the cost. I’m sure the fact you didn’t also mention any concerns about the effect of administering electric shocks on your dog’s physical and psychological wellbeing was merely an oversight, but I thought I’d slip it in here just in case it’s an aspect of these collars you may not have considered?

Anyway, having come home and pondered your problem with your dog running off, I hope you are as pleased as I am that I have managed to come up with a tried and tested 100% effective solution that requires no time, input or effort from you and costs only a few pounds.

There is a handy little gadget that savvy dog owners have been using for many years to address your sort of problem. It’s very simple, a long strip of rope or leather with a loop at one end you can use as a handle, and a clever little clip at the other end that attaches to your dog’s collar (you might have seen that metal ring on his collar and wondered what it was for?). This brilliant device is called a lead L.E.A.D. You attach it to your dog, hold the handle and hey presto, you have control of your dog and he can no longer run away! Most pet shops sell them – in fact I probably have a spare I can loan you to try, just let me know.

You can thank me next time we meet.
Fantastic letter and very articulate if I may say so....
:thumbsup: That is just brilliant!! I think you should send it!

i would send it something needs to be done

what a nightmare for you and your dogs
That is totally brilliant!!!

You could start a business - writing arsy letters for people!!!
:thumbsup: :lol: Brilliant...just brilliant.... GET IT SENT
Absolutely brilliant! I also think you should send it - you never know, some of it might sink in :luck:
that is brilliant, well done, you really should send it :thumbsup: :thumbsup: it's very polite and to the point love it
SEND IT. These people need telling it how it is don't they????? Send it, there is nothing in it to be sued for or untrue. If it was me I would send it.

Stand up to this idiot, also report him to the dog warden, that might just help'

:luck: :luck: :luck: Loads of luck.
Probably go right over his head as he sounds like a real twat :lol:

Brilliant letter all the same :D
I once sent something similar to people with the attitude that their kids were perfect and it was OK for their son to grab mine by the hair and punch him in the face for singing a song on the coach!! They had sent me a stupid letter first. I ran my reply by a friend who said it wwas very patronising!! Just the effect I was after!!
Good god- are some people really that thick?

Send it, I doubt whether any of it will sink in tho' - the thick idiot shouldn't even have a dog.

Great letter BTW.
Bloody brilliant!!! :thumbsup:

I think you should do a standard letter for all us K9'ers who encounter idiots on our walks, we'd save a lot of time shoving that in their face than getting into heated discussions about keeping their dogs under control!!
That is a MUST SEND!!! It's not rude and couldn't possibly be considered abusive - just good advice :thumbsup:

Please get it through their letterbox, Fee ....... if they are too thick to appreciate the sarcasm then they might actually respond to your suggestion and use a lead in future :-

........... aside from that, I love it!! You have a wicked sense of humour :cheers:
brilliant ,

i can sense the frustration you must be feeling having this knumbnut of a dog owner next door. (w00t)

How about putting said dog on lead and fasting it to there gate before you go walkies ? or get a cattle prodder to keep it at bay :clown: