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Lets Go


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Annie kept bringing pears into the house this morning. Dropping off the tree already I thought, seems a bit early for that.

You'v guessed it some one decided they would help their self ...... could'nt help but laugh at her antics :lol:


Cor, looks like these are nearly ripe


Yep, look good enough to eat


Mum won't miss any will she


Maybe if I have just one




Go for it


Wow, she's enjoying those isn't she!!! Brings a whole new meaning to 'pick your own' :lol:
Wonder, wonderful photos. So well caught!

Never seen anything like it...whippets fruit picking off a tree. :lol:
Mine do that too but I've never got any pix. Yours are fantastic, when is the photo competition.
she's gorgeous :wub: , mine like eating windfall pears, luckily they have yet to pick there own :lol:

Well i think the are wind fall (w00t) !!!lol
[SIZE=21pt]WOW[/SIZE]Mazza what wonderful pics :thumbsup: and ain't Annie the clever one :wub:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Great pictures !

I'm sure you have a very good camera, can see it on the quality of your pictures.

You have a beautiful and smart dog too.

Superb shots of the gorgeous Annie :wub: again o:) :lol: up to her fruit picking trick. Funny that theres no apples left on my lower branches - do you think Annies been visiting us then?? :- " :- "
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What brilliant pics, she looks so intent on getting those pears. Such concentration!!
Brill piks! :thumbsup:

Funnily enough, Dobby has been doing the same thing with our apple tree!


:wub: Cutey pie!

wonderful piccies!loved seeing them.havent you all got clever dogs? :D
What amazing photos- both the quality and the subject, she is soooooooooo beautiful AND clever
Lovely photos of Annie. :wub:

What a little tinker :D
Janimal said:
Superb shots of the gorgeous Annie :wub:   again o:)   :lol:   up to her fruit picking trick.  Funny that theres no apples left on my lower branches - do you think Annies been visiting us then?? :- "  :- "
Now thats an idea, I could send her out to work, about time she earned her keep (w00t)
Missed Dobby too :lol: :lol:

Hey weve got our own fruit picking team between us -( we wont have to work at all over the summer )- we can send them to France for the summer months fruit picking. :lol: