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Leons Been Bitten!!!!


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Leon was bitten this afternoon :( its quite a bad one but he's home now after being stitched up :unsure:

It was a dog we've never seen before :unsure: who seemed to be playing nicely then took a chunk out of him :( Leons so nice natured he didn't retaliate at all so we didn't realise it had happened until the other dog owners had scurried away after obviously noticing what their dog had done :(

Although it doesn't look bad from the pic its quite deep and he's had to have the muscle stitched as well :( but he's home which is the main thing and having a well deserved sleep :thumbsup:



Oh poor Leon :( hope he recovers quickly and if you see the owners of the other dog hope you tell them what it did, :huggles: to Leon.

Poor poor Leon, lots of extra :wub: :wub: hugs and kisses for him to ease his war wounds.

As for the owners of the other dog, shame on them for not telling you what their dog did, it's a pity you couldn't track them down and give them a right mouthful.
Leon, mate, that does look nasty. Plenty of rest and hugs for you!

Can't say much for the owners of the other dog :angry:
Poor Leon :( ,,hope he is feeling a lot better today :)
Susan said:
Poor Leon  :( ,,hope he is feeling a lot better today  :)
Yes, wish him all the luck and care he needs.

:huggles: Poor Leon. Give him a hugg from me.

Can't believe the other dog owners had scurried away without saying a word of it.. You would think they have a heart for dogs because they also have dogs..
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poor leon, hope he feels better soon, lots of :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: for him.
Oh poor Leon! :( Sounds to me like the other owners didn't want to pay the vet's bill! :rant: Hope the lad is better soon! :wub: :huggles:
Oh, poor Leon. It looks terrible. I feel anger toward the owner.

Hope he gets better soon. :huggles:
:rant: some people :rant: Im sure it will heal well , as Debs ( alfyn) would say , `put some lavender on it ` :thumbsup:

Mayzee made the mistake of going into Fleurs pups :eek: She was only after the food ( of course ) but Fleur flew at her and she now has a chuck out of her head (w00t) It was quite nasty and she has some bruising too , but with the help of Arnica tablets ( for brusing) and Lavender on the wound its healing up quite nicley , :- " One thing for sure , it WONT stop Mayzee going on the lookout for any food going spare ,

Give Leon a hug from the MULCAIR WHIPPETS i :huggles: :huggles:
poor Leon :( lots of hugs :huggles: :huggles: and kisses :* :* and to the other dog owners :rant:
So sorry the hear about Leon - poor wee man :(

Loads of hugs and whippy kisses :wub: from Byron and Macey

:rant: Give me five mintues with the owner of the other dog :rant:
Poor old Leon- looks painful :(

:huggles: :huggles: from my two
Poor Leon :( As Jax said some arnica and lavender will help it heal up nicely :thumbsup: .

Its bad enough that their dog bit Leon (but I suppose these things can happen) but the disgusting part is that they just disappeared - imagine if it ahppened to their dog, I'm sure they would eb bothered then :rant:

:huggles: to Leon from my boys (In a very masculine way of course!) :lol:
:huggles: and :luck: to Leon.

Sounds like the other owners have had that kind of thing happen before, if they scurried off like that. That kind of spinelessness takes practice!! :rant: Keep an eye out for them!
Leon says thanks for the hugs everyone :huggles:

He's been so good :wub: he hasn't complained once and Picco is an angel as well because he's being so gentle and well behaved with Leon :huggles:

The other owners REALLY!!! annoyed me :angry: we heared Leon make a noise but thought nothing of it as it still all looked very friendly :unsure: then the woman called Leon to her smoothed him and then changed completely from being really chatty to all of a sudden giving us our ball and storming off without a word :angry:

Then Leon came over and we saw his cut so we looked for the other owners and they'd vanished and in that area to vanish from out of sight in that time they must have sprinted away :angry:

The other twist in the tail is that we found out yesterday that Leon isn't insured either :unsure: between getting insurance last time and the renewal date this time I've had a new credit card so when they went to collect the payment it wouldn't go through as they had my old card number :wacko:

So the one time we go to claim on his insurance its run out two days ago :oops:

Never mind !! :clown:

Just to make matters worse it was Helens birthday yesterday as well :( and I won't go into the water and the ceiling and the resulting mess from the night before I'll just say we've had a trying couple of days (w00t)


Oh poor Leon.

He is such a well practised victim, and it's just not fair cos he is lovely :wub:

I hope he feels OK, I bet it is very sore! Keep an eye out for those people, if you see them again, tell them you are suing them for the resulting vet bill.

Sorry about the ceiling, that is 3 disasters now, you should be OK. :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: to my brave little Leon, and a big kiss for Picco as he is such a caring little fellow :wub:
Absolutley disgraceful behaviour from the owners of the other dog :rant: :rant: :angry: :angry: :rant: I'd be keeping an eye out for them. And I'll bet they keep an eye out for you.... you will never seem them again... cowards :angry:

Poor Leon hope he feels better soon :luck: :luck: :luck:
:( Poor Leon, that looks realy sore poor babie. Hope he feels better soon.

:rant: Some people just dont care. :rant: