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greyhound mad

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i`am new.

so wot better way to say hi than to introduce my pack.

i have 2 greyhounds a dog blue with white markings ("springville duke--duke 6yrs)

a bitch black with white markings("knock lemon---flash/flish due to her bad 7yrs)

a lurcher brindle with white markings (tylar 3yrs)

and a german shepherd black and gold ("shapiero adonis"-----blake 4yrs)

oh and my mum in laws sh*t sue(bob)

any how

i got blake off my mum who breeds shepherds he was the runt of the litter and the one pup that was nervous and hid when anyone came to choose a pup .

i did how ever pay full price.(huh my mum alls ways put her dogs or as she put it the pups don`t eat for free.

any how blake and i were insperable still are. so much so he suffered from separation axe.

so my friend came up with a great idea get another dog for company.

i thought yeah great so off i go to the local rescue centre (bout 80 mile away)

i was going to see if there was a bitch shepherd or another shepherd but there wasn`t any.

while i was looking at the horses they also had i spotted a dog and someone in the distance then i saw something shining and alot of shouting i was up there in a flash .

the man had a gun don`t ask me wot type it was i havn`t got a clue .

he had coursed the dog and he was no good .(wot i found out later after takein him to vets he had broke tylars wind(wot ever that means) and the dog was only 8months so he was still too young),

i gave the bloke the money for the rescuse dog i was going to get untied tylar and picked him up and walked off leave the bloke alittle confused.

any way blake was only bout 14months at the time and it was a great match tylar lets blake chase him and blake behaves like collie and lies down and stalks tylar.

then my friend asked me if she could keep a dog at mine while she worked on her mum to let her have it in the house.

i said as long as it got on with my 2 no probs.

so the same afternoon she fetch a grayhoung bitch flash.

cut a long story short we fell out and she took the dog to her other friends.

the boys were pinning and moping bout it was unbearable.

i phone the trainer she got flash from and asked if she had another because i fell in love with the breed. she said she had a nervous dog but he is extremly nervous and will be a lot of hard work i said i like a challage.

so i got duke the following day.

he was really nervous and for the first 3 days he stay in 1 corner and wouldn`t move and growl when anyone went near his bed but after that he was 1 of the pack and is the friendlist dog u will ever meet.

then i get a phone call would u like flash back .

apparntly this other friend my orignal friend knew lived on a farm and one nite a farm cat got too close and u can guess the rest (poor cat)

any way the trainer was called and took the dog bak to her kennels and because i had been i been tears when i told her that they took flash some where else she phoned me the following day .

so thats my pack.

i just went in to let them in the garden for there last wee and flash is laying on the duvet in her rug as its freezeing and her rug was slipping so i went over thinking she would get up but no she just lay there flat out so i pulled it forward and she still just lay there . :eek:

i went back in the kitchen while leaveing the doors to there sleeping room and garden open so they could go bak and forth.

when i came back flash had moved she was now in a plastic dog bed with her rug round her belly :eek:

so i treid to get her up to take it off be she again refused so i pulled it off while she was laying there.

then i sorted out the twists and shes got up so i put rug bak on and she lay striaght bak down and that was it .

as i kissed everyone nite nite i looked bak to where flash was asleep(wish i could get to sleep that quick)

any how thats my pack.

thanks for sticking with me this far.
