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Last Lot For Xmas


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I have just stuck the last jumpers up on the market place before xmas that are allready maid so if your after a differnt colour one or your sizes isnt there you will have to pm me before the 5 december or i wont have time to make them. I am fast but not a mirical worker lol
hiya wendy can i have the following please

tia 22inch pink and cream

meg 25inch pink and cream

lily 16inch pink and cream

poppy 15inch pink and cream

thank you can you send me bill please :D

also if i dont win the two iv just bid on il need those to :-
hiya wendy can i have the following please
tia 22inch pink and cream

meg 25inch pink and cream

lily 16inch pink and cream

poppy 15inch pink and cream

thank you can you send me bill please :D

also if i dont win the two iv just bid on il need those to :-
hi could i please have 2 pink and cream 17in for iggys and a 17in blue and cream for a iggy please x
wiggy your in box is full

anyone else just P M me with chest measuremnet and basce of neck to start of tail in inches and what colour
:lol: will you please stop photographing them on the work top..... i have to have my coffee off that !!!! ( sweetiepie x)
i wiped there bums with the pot towel first lol hunny bun xxxx
Just to say thanks again Wendy, the coats are keeping Tilly and Gracie snuggly warm and especially tonight as it's brass monkey weather here. You should have cheque tomorrow and I put a note in together with couple of photo scans of my girlies sporting their coats.