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(w00t) Good god what a morning (w00t)

Gary is one hyper little lad, he's bouncing about as it's the last day of school for 7 weeks (w00t) . He does not like school :oops:

Rachel is down in the dumps :( it's her last day at primary school :( ,,,she's had a little cry :unsure: (well mabye it was a bit bigger ) :- " She does not want to go to the Big School :( :(

Rachel is off to the Isle Of Wight for a week with her pals family, so that should take her mind of school :huggles: :thumbsup:

Im picking them both up in 2 hours :D ,,Tissue's all ready for her :oops: :lol:
Aww Susan I remember those last primary days well.. :(

Ive got one in sixth form now and the other at Secondary School.... :thumbsup: its like a distant memory now....

Tell Rachael the Isle of Wight is gorgeous, Ive been there twice when I was 16 and 17 and had a fantastic holiday. :cheers:
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know how you feel, my youngest finishes primary in 3 weeks and i am dreading him going to high school, he is quite a sensitive little boy, not like his sister (w00t)
:D They are home :D

Gary smiled all the way home :lol: :lol: One very happy little boy :D

:( Rachel was crying at the school, in the car coming home, and she's still bloody crying :( :(

I even tried to cheer her up by telling her I had bought a puppy (w00t) (w00t) ,,nope still crying :( :(

She will be outside playing with her pals soon :D I hope :- " :- "
I spent the day yesterday with my new form, some year 6 children who are moving into high school in September. There were tears at the start of the day but by the end they were all smiling and really looking forward to starting. I can't wait to get know them all so when your children move to their new school I'm sure they will be well cared for, just like I will care for my form.
I remember school leaving days.. :wacko:

I was a wreck leaving primary school..scared of things to come...upset bout leaving all my friends that weren't going to the same big school as me.

But there again I was exactly the same when I left high :lol:

I'm sure Racheal will forget about it all in a day or two untill the holidays are over, then she will be the same till she gets to her new school. She'll come home from her 1st day in big school, happy as Larry :lol:

:luck: Good luck Racheal, enjoy your holidays, you'll miss them when you only get 4 weeks a year :lol:
You've got the two extremes there, one happy at the prospect of the long holiday , the other unhappy at the leaving of the comfort zone.

Mine finishes in 3 weeks, leaving primary, Sophie's got a few taster days in the big school, the first day was cognitive tests, NOT impressed, and she was so disappointed at the play yard 'it's boring, no games, just benches and all the girls walking round in groups talking, no boys pushing and chasing you' (w00t)

Told her , give it a few months, you won't be interested in hopscotch, you'll be walking round in little groups discussing makeup, music and boys :lol: :- "

Monday, the parents also go for the afternoon, with cheque books in hand as the uniform ladies will be there :- "

WHY do they still insist on WOOL blazers that cost a fortune, can't be machine washed and STINK when they get wet ?? I believe they now HAVE to wear them for class every day.....I'd be interested to know if the teachers wear a wool blazer in the warm weather !!!

This is the school I went to, but there are very few nuns left now.

Hope we get some nice summer hol weather :thumbsup:
We've got another 3 weeks before we break up for the hols, my son Jordan goes into year 5 primary in September the time has gone by so quickly (w00t)

I was really worried about him going to secondary but I'm ok with it now because I work there :D so at least I know it's ok, and I tell him all about the things we do there so hopefully when the time comes it won't be so scary for him :)

Rachel will settle in in no time I'm sure, I remember last year when the new year 7's came, for the first couple of days they were a bit bewildered but after that you'd think they'd always been there :thumbsup:
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Julie D said:
You've got the two extremes there, one happy at the prospect of the long holiday , the other unhappy at the leaving of the comfort zone.
Mine finishes in 3 weeks, leaving primary, Sophie's got a few taster days in the big school, the first day was cognitive tests, NOT impressed, and she was so disappointed at the play yard 'it's boring, no games, just benches and all the girls walking round in groups talking, no boys pushing and chasing you'  (w00t)

Told her , give it a few months, you won't be interested in hopscotch, you'll be walking round in little groups discussing makeup, music and boys  :lol:   :- "

Monday, the parents also go for the afternoon, with cheque books in hand as the uniform ladies will be there  :- "

WHY do they still insist on WOOL blazers that cost a fortune, can't be machine washed and STINK when they get wet ?? I believe they now HAVE to wear them for class every day.....I'd be interested to know if the teachers wear a wool blazer in the warm weather !!!

This is the school I went to, but there are very few nuns left now.

Hope we get some nice summer hol weather  :thumbsup:

School blazers cost a fortune, tell me about it, i pay for one of my grankids, uniform and the rest, as for leaving school, state pen they nicknamed mine, evil place with vicious teachers, the days when they could clout you one, i was doing metalwork one day i was larking around so the teacher sent me over to the woodworking class with a cane to be hollowed out, took it back into the metalwork teacher filled it with copper and leathered me with it, swimming lessons, petrified of water, pop yates the teacher 18 stone huge bugger, tied rope around my waist chucked me in the deep end, i soon learned to swim, english teacher, lifting me physically out my seat with my sideburns, wet myself was then called a horrible little child for doing so, maths teacher now he was nasty, scrapping with him in the playground, nicknamed my class of 32, s****s screwballs and was told on leaving i'd never ammount to much, rubbish, my family have wanted fer nowt, as do my grankids.

My very first Primary school teacher was a Nun who was way too handy with the ruler. At 5 years old and learning to read she would sit there with a ruler and swipe you if you got a word wrong. In later classes at that school there was a lad from a really really under priveledged family who was regularily knocked off his chair having been hit around the head by the teacher. I then went to a Convent Grammer school :- " and as most people who know me will tell you it didnt work :thumbsup: Joined the army at 18 and it was them that finally taught me.

Unfortunately I think schools have gone too far the other way now but certainly wouldnt advocate the abuse that I saw dished out. At the time though you didint question it.