Looking to order some bulk meat and have heard some good things about Landywood. Has anyone used them? Are they reliable? Which of their products is good/bad?
I placed an order and am happy with it. One of the things we had was the ox tripe and organ mix - smells and looks disgusting but the dogs absolutely love it :x Also had the minced chicken and veg mix and also the tripe.
If you e-mail them they do respond very quickly. :thumbsup:
Hi Tancho i use landywoods tripe and there beef, I've found them both to be very good and my dogs look well on it. They also delivered on time and without any problems. what more can you ask for? :thumbsup:
I use them as well. The only thing I have had and didn't like was their chicken wings but I have the carcasses.
I agree about the Tripe and Organ meat ............... it looks absolutely disgusting and you would think it would go straight through them but they love it and it doesn't!! LOL!
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