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Lancs - Lurcher Stolen


New Member
Reaction score
LSD 2186/3/H:

Lurcher- Greyhound/Saluki x ? - dog (neutered)

Smooth coated

Red fawn

White on chest and all 4 feet

V shaped nick out of left ear. Very protruding scar under chest from recent operation. Very friendly


Height: 29 ins

Age: 2-3 yrs

Wearing a blue/gold/black fabric collar +ID tag

Name is "Rich"

Stolen from: Oldham, Lancs on 10/3/05

Circumstance of loss: Was taken from out of rescue van whilst owner nipped indoors to get another dog to take to vets.

Additional Info: Microchipped to Sheya Rescue. Reported to Police, dog wardens etc. Photos of Rich can be seen at: Rich's photosPhoto available at: more of rich's photos

He's back home again. :cheers:

>Rich is back, i am so happy i cant believe it. he is thin but ok. I met a man this morning at 6am by preston, he said he found him. I paid £250 to get him back. but i dont care he is home.

Thankyou to everyone.
you paid to get him back?was he kidnapped? :(
I think kiddnapping is becoming more common. I am paranoid about my three. When we lived on the coast I used to make sure no cars were passing when I turned into our drive. I also drive OH mad by refusing to leave the dogs in the car and stop for food. Even though they are in a locked crate in a locked car with an alarm. :teehee: I'll only go inside if we can sit by the window and watch the car. Someone looked in the window once and I was outside like a shot :lol: :sweating: