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Lamping With Dogs


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I am a newbie here and i am interested to know what you all do with your catches.

I only ask as even though i was brought up lamping with my father, our dane x doberman and lurcher. I cannot bring myself to do it now that i am older with my own dogs, i could quite happily send them out to catch, i could even skin and gut the rabbits, but if my dogs returned one still alive i couldn't finish it off!! (sad i know - i think of watership down!). :x

I would like to know if anyone doesnt use the rabbits that they catch, if we could have them to feed our dogs? Or if anyone knows anybody in my area that i could get them from? (Newport, Gwent)

Any ideas or help would be very much appreciated.


for_dogs_sake said:
I am a newbie here and i am interested to know what you all do with your catches.

I only ask as even though i was brought up lamping with my father, our dane x doberman and lurcher. I cannot bring myself to do it now that i am older with my own dogs, i could quite happily send them out to catch, i could even skin and gut the rabbits, but if my dogs returned one still alive i couldn't finish it off!! (sad i know - i think of watership down!). :x

I would like to know if anyone doesnt use the rabbits that they catch, if we could have them to feed our dogs? Or if anyone knows anybody in my area that i could get them from?  (Newport, Gwent) 

Any ideas or help would be very much appreciated.



hi sound to much like my old man lol he's gone soft in his old age but in his younger days done more than most...i use my quarry for ferrets and sell ere and there i dunno if any1 would be willing to give away rabbits as there is a price you can sell them for lol...

welcome to k9 anways
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Thanks for welcoming me Boom.

I know it is sad isn't it?

Would you know where the best place is to look? I am willing to pay, it is just that i know a lot of people only do it for sport and don't put them to good use so i was hoping to take advantage of that.

I have just started feeding my dogs a raw diet and rabbit or any wild game is great as they have higher levels of creatin in the muscle, compared to farmed stock.
Welcome to K9 :cheers: I'm too soft for bunnies :b so can't help but hope you find some :thumbsup:
I`ve always been of the opinion that if you, your dog or your ferrets aren`t going to eat what you catch then why bother? I know that we are engaged in pest control , but if they get left in a field to rot as some lampers did locally to me it`s a bloody waste and doesn`t say much about fieldsports or the people doing it. No wonder a lot of people moan about finding permission hard to get :- "
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mine either go to my ferrets, in my freezer or if I have too many go to a local ferret rescue centre for the rescue ferrets.


nigelmcfc said:
I`ve always been of the opinion that if you, your dog or your ferrets aren`t going to eat what you catch  then why bother? I know that we are engaged in pest control , but if they get left in a field to rot as some lampers did locally to me it`s a bloody waste and doesn`t say much about fieldsports or the people doing it. No wonder a lot of people moan about finding permission hard to get  :- "
same here m8..i knew of a certain person who goes out with the rifle and leave all he shoots :rant: .until me and my m8 had a word with him and now we get all his kill. we dropped on lucky with this person and its summet (for_dogs_sake) needs

for_dogs_sake if your willing to pay i would try your local butchers im sure thay will sell you some but thay will be over the odds to what thay actually pay :(

so only thing i can say is get out there and try putting them cute little bunnies to sleep :lol: <<<jk
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for_dogs_sake said:
I am a newbie here and i am interested to know what you all do with your catches.

I only ask as even though i was brought up lamping with my father, our dane x doberman and lurcher. I cannot bring myself to do it now that i am older with my own dogs, i could quite happily send them out to catch, i could even skin and gut the rabbits, but if my dogs returned one still alive i couldn't finish it off!! (sad i know - i think of watership down!). :x

I would like to know if anyone doesnt use the rabbits that they catch, if we could have them to feed our dogs? Or if anyone knows anybody in my area that i could get them from?  (Newport, Gwent) 

Any ideas or help would be very much appreciated.



for_dogs_sake said:
I am a newbie here and i am interested to know what you all do with your catches.

I only ask as even though i was brought up lamping with my father, our dane x doberman and lurcher. I cannot bring myself to do it now that i am older with my own dogs, i could quite happily send them out to catch, i could even skin and gut the rabbits, but if my dogs returned one still alive i couldn't finish it off!! (sad i know - i think of watership down!). :x

I would like to know if anyone doesnt use the rabbits that they catch, if we could have them to feed our dogs? Or if anyone knows anybody in my area that i could get them from?  (Newport, Gwent) 

Any ideas or help would be very much appreciated.



Hi Megan,

Phil Canham better known as

manor whippets, I also do rabbit control under NORTH NORFOLK FERRETS and sooner or later you are going to have kill a rabbit its one of the laws of hunting.If you cannot bring yourself to kill a rabbit then you really should not go after them

to leave an animal in pain is just not on.

As far as what to do with rabbits when you have caught them, I have a butchers micer and the skined and gutted carcase goes in whole perfect food for dogs and ferrets. Cheers Philip