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Ladybird Ladybird Fly Away Home


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I don't know whats going on down the beach but the last couple of days it swarming

with Ladybirds and these horrible little black bugs. There is also lots of butterflies

but i couldn't get any pictures of them as the girls chase them away as soon as they

land. The Ladybirds are getting a bit scarey now as there is so many and i was bit

twice this morning..........stop laughing


Look at theses pictures i took this morning......








i saw on the news a few weeks ago about them invading an american town, (i think this is the llink)

but if you google it (what i did to find the american link) seems like they are swarming everywhere :(

i dont mind the odd one, but i think id be a bit freeked out by anything more than a couple :unsure:
The little black things are nasty look at them






Look at this big bugger :lol:

ohhhhhhhhhhh Annie, freaky!!! thats a serious amount of ladybirds!
Don't think I've ever seen so many ladybirds. As for those bugs, I think I would be keeping away from the beach for a while.
She must be mad holding that lot, i was bit

twice today and a couple of them were all

black and really scarey looking :eek:
There was a plague of ladybirds on the south coast a number of years ago...after a hot summer. It was a long time ago now.....funny how these things re-occur from time to time. :eek:
i love ladybirds :wub: you can keep those horrible black critters though :lol:
I have a lot in my garden today so they are coming in further now :blink:
I've just remembered that, a few years back, Shane came home and had been speaking with a farmer in North Devon who told him that when beetles swarm it's the sign of either a wet or dry summer :unsure: .......... problem is, neither of us can remember which, but on today's evidence I would say it's the sign of a VERY WET summer :( :( :(
I've just remembered that, a few years back, Shane came home and had been speaking with a farmer in North Devon who told him that when beetles swarm it's the sign of either a wet or dry summer :unsure: .......... problem is, neither of us can remember which, but on today's evidence I would say it's the sign of a VERY WET summer :( :( :(
i think it is rain jane because as a child we used to call them rain beetles :lol:
plenty of them about aint there!!!

did you get the flying ants too end of last week? :eek:
Theres loweds :teehee:
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Impressive photos Anne, I can remember going to Scarborough years ago on a Bus trip and there

was swarms of them there, Id never seen anything quite like it.... :unsure: :eek:

and must admit have never seen as many again...till you put these pictures on.
A couple of years ago i owned a house with a basement. I went down there to find hundreds of ladybirds (cant remember what time of year it was though). A friend told me to supply them with cotton there I was scooping up the ladybirds so they could hibernate in cotton. They thanked me by not eating much and not having wild parties! :)

And yes we had flying ants at the weekend....coincided nicely with my sons birthday party! We played a new game called, 'swat the ants'!