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Lady-very Ill In The Vets


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Just a quick post to all of you who know Lady and her story.Lady collapsed this evening,we thought she would die before we got her to the vets.She has lost all sensation down one side,and the vet thinks she has either a brain tumour,or has had an enerism.She is sedated,and we will have to make descisions tomorrow.We are devastated,but her outlook does not look good.I will not sleep tonight,i cannot bare to think we might loose her.She has made such a good recovery from her other tumours,i am in shock.

I will keep you all informed.
Oh Amanda im so sorry to hear this about Lady :( thinking of you and yours
Aah Amanda,

I'm sat her with tears streaming down my face. Couldn't believe it when you rang me earlier.

I am so, so, sorry to hear about Lady. You know I love that dogs to bits too.

Josie heard me and Ian talking and has been sobbing her socks off - she loves Lady too.

My thoughts are with you and Pete.

I am praying for goods news for you both.

Love you both loads.

so sorry to hear about lady amanda..... i will pray hard for her tonight! hope tomorrow brings some good news.xx :(
I'm so sorry to hear this, my thoughts are with you and Lady. xx :luck: :huggles: :( :flowers:
I'm so sorry. All my thoughts are with you and Lady tonight, and hoping against hope there will be better news tomorrow :huggles:
Thats terrible news :( i'm so so sorry for you all and poor lady.

My thoughts are with you x

Clare x
I am so, so sorry ........ it's so difficult to know what to say but I am thinking of Lady and sending all the positive thoughts and best wishes I can muster for you :luck: :luck:

She's in the right place and thank goodness you could act quickly and get her the care she needs now :huggles:
We are so sorry :(

It must be so hard for you ,our thoughts are with you

Geoff & Hazelx :luck:
I am so sorry to hear about your girl.

Thinking of you.
so sorry to hear this news amanda and pete,poor old lady doesnt deserve this after everything else :( our thoughts are with you ,hope you get some good news tommorow :luck: :luck: :luck: julie and chris
So sorry to hear she's in a bad way, sending positive vibes for you all xxx
Oh Amanda this is just such very sad news. :( I'm devastated for you and I know you must be feeling just terrible. Really big hugs from me. My thoughts are with you.


Thinking of you and pete. I will pray for Lady. Pam and Steve xx
Sending healing vibes to Lady, thinking of you, loads of hugs. :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Thanks to everyone who has sent messages of support,it really helps.

My heart hurts,i just cannot loose Lady.Everyone who knows me,knows how much we love

her,and even if she does not have long,i want her home with us.Deb,your post made me cry.

Josie was the first child Lady bonded with,she always remembers her.

Oh god,i am off to bed,i cannot cope.

So sorry, sending positive thoughts, thinking of you xxx
I am terribly saddened to hear this news :( I sent our best wishes for a positive outcome for Lady, and hugs to you for support :huggles:
So sorry to hear about Lady. Hope things get better for you.Fingers crossed for a good outcome. Pat.xxxx