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I know that Laburnum is poisonous to dogs but I wondered if anyone knew exactly how poisonous it is. We have three trees in our garden and I'm really getting worried about the whippets eating the seeds when they begin to drop. Muffin didn't bother with them last year but Jonah just seems to eat anything that he can get his paws on. :sweating: I don't know how we can stop him as we can't cut the trees down as the property doesn't belong to us and anyway, it's in a conservation area so we probably wouldn't be allowed to chop them down. The only thing someone suggested to me was to cut the flowers off but that would take ages, though if it is really very poisonous, that would still be far preferable to making the dogs ill or worse. :( Has anyone else had this problem?
The leaves & roots are as poisonous as the seeds & can be fatal,so i don't really know what you can do other than to watch over the dogs.

I doubt that Jonah will eat them as i'm pretty sure they have a bad taste.
Have you thought about fencing them off?
milly said:
Have you thought about fencing them off?
Not really possible I'm afraid. But the one I'm most concerned about is the one in the smaller fenced area where they go out to the toilet and I think I will just have to stop them using that bit for a while. We have another small, ungrassed area at the back of the house which will do for the moment. Thankfully, the tree concerned doesn't seem to have as many flowers on as last year so let's just hope that all the seeds are dropped really quickly!! :sweating:
Hope you can stop the dogs somehow from eating them Gillian. :luck: haven't read, 'My Cousin Rachel', by Daphne DuMaurier, Gillian. The seeds are poisenous.

I guess you'll have to supervise them for a while, whilst they are out. I'm not a laburnum fan myself...I think they are a bit garish in colour and OTT. I wouldn't think there would be a preservation order on them though, even in a conservation area (we live in a conservation area too). Still, it would be a bit extreme to cut them down although I'd be tempted myself to get at least one of them felled :- "
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Nicola said: haven't read, 'My Cousin Rachel', by Daphne DuMaurier, Gillian. The seeds are poisenous.
I did read that years ago, Nicola, but I never remember a thing I've read! :- " It comes in handy sometimes because if you've really enjoyed a book you can read it again at some point and not remember the ending! :lol: My husband only has to read something once and he remembers it forever.

Nicola said:
I'm not a laburnum fan myself...I think they are a bit garish in colour and OTT.
You won't enjoy this pic then taken over the weekend at Ness Gardens on the Wirral! I was at a Conference enjoying superb food, but missing my whippies! :(

hammer a copper nail into the tree,it will kill the tree and noone will know why! :- "
I don't usually remember books that I've read in much detail either, but for some reason I've always remembered the laburnam seeds in that story.

That's a really nice photo....well OK, they do look stunning in that sort of setting :thumbsup: ...still a bit too meditarreanean for my tastes though.

Kris...what a thought :- " I never knew that. :unsure:
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When I first came back here from Australia (in 1969, although I was born here!) I was amazed by laburnums and wisteria as i'd never seen them at home -though i guess they do grow in cooler areas.

I absolutely love it (and still do) - golden rain I was told it was called -and only desisted from growing a tree because i learnt that it was poisonous to dogs and people. I had a shih tzu at the time, and she was prone to tasting strange things!! :clown:

I now have a wisteria in a pot - can anyone tell me if that is poisonous too? I always clear up the pods and the dogs aren't interested in it anyway!

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