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Labrador keeps collapsing


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Hi, I am new to this forum and hoping someone can offer me some advice on my chocolate lab.

She is two and has always been really fit and healthy. Used to coming stables, long beech walks etc. I the last 6 weeks she has collaped on about 5 occasions with me. Every single episode follows an exciteable run off the lead.

I take her on the filed, then on the way back she appears really exhausted and her gait is more swayed in her hindquarters and she seems to drag her feet a little but not enough for anyone but me to notice, Then if we pass another dog during this episode she gets excited and just seems to collapse on the floor then franticly tries to scramble to her feet. This is over in seconds but she still seems tired.

My husband says this has never happened with him, but he never takes her off the lead. It has never happened with me unless I have taken her for a run either. However if I take her for a long walk I do notice that as we go on she walks slower and more swayed the further we go. This started the same time as the collape eppisodes.

We got her spayed at 10 months old, this had slight complications and followed 4 weeks with little or no exercise. I thought this reduced fitness and the heat may have been contributing but despite increasing her fitness back up and the heat reducing has not made any difference.

I have read about exercise induce collape in Labradors and this sounds just like her. I am worried about hip dispasia and artharitus too. Im am reluctant to take her the vet as the symptoms only appear when she is exercised hevily and meets another dog. I will take her at the end of the month if nothing changes but wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
I have no experience in this but do not wait until the end of the month until you take her to the vet.

You need to go now! there could be something really seriously wrong with her, or it could be something as simple a virus that is causing her to collapse. Either way please do not wait to take her.

You need to ask for her to have a CT scan and an X Ray no exceptions. It could be something to with her brain, or she could have something wrong with her spine. I'm no vet but what she is doing doesnt sound like its going to get better by itself.

If your vet brushes it off, you need to go somewhere else that will get tests she needs done there and then, no questions asked.

I hope you have insurance for her as they wont be cheap but you need to rule out the more serious matters before anything else.

I really hope its nothing but do really want to wait until the end of the month?

Best of luck and cuddles to your girl!

Sophie x
Hi vicm2509 and welcome to DogForum :)

I'm with Sophie on this one. Of course it COULD be exercise induced collapse, but then again it could also be a whole host of other things, including a heart problem.

Only tests that a vet will do will show whether it's one or the other, but I think you need to know, and to rule out some things which quite desperately require treatment, as soon as possible.
I have to say if it was my dog I would be getting it into the vet. Yes it could be EIH, but that's pretty serious too. I'm not one who takes my dogs in for every little thing - I've gotten quite good over the years at treating thin-skinned whippets, but if something like this happened more than once I'd be straight in.