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Selling Knitting For Charity


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If you are a keen knitter, it is worthwhile seeing if a local dog rescue would like dog jackets or even blankets made = for their own dogs or for their charity shop if they have one. I think the PDSA has people who crochet blankets for them.

You can also help by donating materials Isee below) or by buying from charity shops and the online shops operated by some rescue organisations,

both knitters support Erin Hounds (rehoming Irish sighthounds, mainly but not exclusively in Norfolk) so please mention Erinhounds if you order from them or if you donate recyclables to Lynn

Lynn uses recycled materials for her coats

If you have yarn, buttons (1.5-2 cm) and/or reusuable plastic bags suitable for posting (size at least that of standard shopping bag, but needs to be fairly strong plastic)

yu can send them to Lynn's Bespoke Dog Coats,21 Fellows Way, Hildenborough, Kent TB1 19DG

Erin Hounds has an online shop, but the smallest sighthound coats (waterproof, not knitted) they carry are 24". They do have some good quality webbing leads, and some items for humans such as a cookbook and greeeting cards.
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Excellent idea. I have been sorting blankets and towels this week for the local rescue, I think I might knit a few bits as well.
