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Kirkcaldy Wrc


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for the 1st time in last few years ,,,,,k.w.r.c,,,,,is in trouble,,,,,,is that because bwra or nnwrf took away there opens ??????? wotever the attendance??????



one thing i would like to say its time to call in the favour,,,,,,,as pleanty scottish folk have paid there membership for year,s,,,,,,,if its rule one,,, a better understanding off the whippet world,,,,,these committees,,,,,need to look after there SOUTH & NORTH,,,,,as whippet racing will implode in its self,,,,,it,s time we bang our heads toghter,,,as club member,s work hard to give u scottish 10days,,,,,,and cos off attendance they use to run may open or september,,,,,,,,,same as far south,,,,,,,food for thought :thumbsup:



kirkcaldy now in trouble ,,,,,not in money but in dog,s,,as they dont have opens to look forward too and cant afford too run there own as there money goes into 10 days,,,,same as the far south,,,its time for change :thumbsup: ,,,,,,,
most clubs get a poor atendence theres just not the amount of folks in the sport nowadays .
I think the cost of fuel is affecting the attendance of dogs at all opens throughout the whole of the country ,

Plus there's not as many people racing now

Maybe it time that clubs where promoting the sport in there areas ..say get local papers , radios involved etc work on getting new members ..@ Newton Aycliffe we where lucky enough it get some peddi owners over who schooled there dogs and ran a peddi handicap ...most of these now have gone over to none peds with great success