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kickboard havoc


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Whos going to still use kickboards at events where allowed after they voted to ban them? :D :b
I have been told that if kickboards are used then others not using them want yardage, are they saying taking away kickboards will slow the dogs down!!!!!!
hi dee have you seen the answer to this on the other thread .and neil its organized havoc you should know that more thought gone into it
what havoc well neil i think it will cause a lot of havoc over the following year...

alot of people that did'nt want to ban boards will be saying to people that did want the ban dont use a board at any event!!!
it will cause a lot of hassle, it needs sorting ,either everyone ban em or put em back in use ;)
How many people that are acually racing have ever tried racing without kickboards and i dont mean in order to get a slower time whilst timming thier dogs in .I do mean before the days of kickboards ! not many i would think,in those days a person buying or selling a dog would advertise the dogs trapping ablity and other features that stood that dog out from othersa good trapper was worth much more then and required no atificial aids it ran on its own merits and many more dogs were racing then as it was a sport with sportsmen competingon a level playing field .KEEP THE BAN>
Well steve i used to run with out kickboard in the 70s, and we still got injuries... i would say more toe injuries than now the amount of young dogs with toes removed was very high ,as in the greyhound scene still......

Did'nt you go to the NewYears day open and after beening beat with fluke decided that you need to use an atificial aids ie: kickboard at the rest of the meeting ...

i just think you are all going on about kickboards causing all your dogs injuries a little to much as i wonder if that was the case why are people still using them....they were never voted in , "no one never said you must use them"

as far as

"many more dogs were racing then as it was a sport with sportsmen competingon a level playing field"
whippet racing has declined over the past 30 years....its a dying sport and all this ban boards, drug testing ect is not helping one bit
another reason for banning kickboards is that a lot of people go over the top &make them to steep causing unnesasary strain to the dogs back , Other people are not capable of making a springboard as they are far too narrow for the trap or have nails or screws sticking up, also they cover them with carpet or rubber which is not properly attached to the board .[if this doesnt cause injuries i dont know what does] the banning of springboards will do away with all this. [COMMON SENSE AS PREVAILED]
Well i do agree that things are going over the top . But who are the ones who did not attend the agm trying to reverse what was decied at it NOT I!! And NO at the NEWYEARS day event i DID NOT!!! use a kickboard or any front board walking frame crutches or any other artficial aid at any time what i did say was at FUTURE events if others are going to use them i am not putting my dogs at a disadvatage by not using one myself but just out of interest Harry says he might not use one with his bitch fluke that is up to him and the reason that there were more if indeed there were toe injuries is likley due to trap floors having wooden slats across them that were badly maintained and not rubber as we have now.Also when you have over a hundred dogs twice weekly at club level you would expect to have more injuries as the number of dogs is now only a fraction at any club even the well supported ones like Stockton.HOPE THIS HAS CLARIFIED MY VIEWS ON THE MATTER.
@ john (jrn) if people dont make there boards safe enough then thats there hardship

@ steve good for harry ...we must of been informed wrong about newyears day we just heard you have use a board with your dogs....

also we would of been the first people to attend the AGM if we did not have a son in intensive care for 3 weeks at the time.

Newton aycliffe's trapes are 30 years old and the floors have never been touched at all and i can remember running with and without boards over the years there, and i had more toe trouble years ago then i have now

Or and by the way thats where i school puppys also run them to keep them fit....that was just my oppion ..not fact
its the dogs you should be thinking about not the people who make the springboards.the people who banned them didnt ban them for their own dogs welfare but for the welfare of everybodies. signed,[dog lover]
well we will have to all just sit back now, relax and lets see what happens ban or no ban :D
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:D we always sit back and relax DEE, especially with a pint in our hands, see you soon .. :p
why are we all defending bring back kick boards when as members of the b.w.r.a. it was voted out well as i keep saying go next year and vote them in.others did. and lets abide by the rules that was voted in.
(what rules) postal votes never was voted out :b :angry: ...wont be racing without a board ,i can tell you now the fed are not banning them (fact).

And not many clubs if any at all ,everyone has a right to say there peice... mine is lets wait and see ;) we need postal votes back to make it fair on everyone.

See ya soon gary not dee :angry: ;)

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