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Kennel cough

Rocky Rescue

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Rocky had both me and hubby awake all last night coughing, after trip to the vet to confirm my thoughts he has kennel cough.

Poor little lamb is asleep on our bed right now.

Should only last about a week hopefully.
Poor thing plenty of rest should do the job, what drugs did the vet give you?
He is looking a bit better today, not coughing quite so much, the vet gave us rimadyl and tribrissen.
I've never used any drugs for kennel cough, a spoonful of benylin in a small amount of milk soothes their throat and as it's a viral infection antibiotics don't work, it runs it's course. The important thing is to keep the dog as quiet as possible, no walks - both because you don't want to infect others and because your own dogs breathing is compromised. Like us with the flu, rest and fluids will work :)