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Kennel Cough


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:x please can anyone tell me how infectsionus is kennel cough my friends dog got it and i dont no how long he had it but my yorkies have been they and i was there today can my doggies get it

i didnt touch him
Yes I know a Lab with it and they have been told to keep it away from other dogs for 2 weeks by the vet. Apparently there is a lot of it about at the moment and it is infectious :(
Ann Glews said:
Yes I know a Lab with it and they have been told to keep it away from other dogs for 2 weeks by the vet.  Apparently there is a lot of it about at the moment and it is infectious :(

why is it because its dry wet warm cold why thanks for your reply so quick
Kennel cough or tracheobronchitis is a highly contagious canine illness characterized by inflammation of the upper respiratory system. It can be caused by viral infections such as canine distemper, canine adenovirus, canine parainfluenza virus, or canine respiratory coronavirus, or bacterial infections such as Bordetella bronchiseptica. It is so named because the infection can spread quickly among dogs, such as in the close quarters of a kennel.


Both viral and bacterial causes of kennel cough are spread through the air by infected dogs sneezing and coughing. It can also spread through contact with contaminated surfaces and through direct contact. It is highly contagious. Exposure occurs in environments where there are other dogs in proximity, such as kennels, dog shows, and groomers. Symptoms begin usually 3 to 5 days after exposure. The disease can progress to pneumonia


Symptoms can include a harsh, dry hacking/coughing, retching, sneezing, snorting or gagging;in response to light pressing of the trachea or after excitement or exercise. The presence of a fever varies from case to case. The disease can last from 10-20 days. Diagnosis is made by seeing these symptoms and having a history of exposure.

Treatment and prevention

Antibiotics are given to treat any bacterial infection present. Cough suppressants are used if the cough is not productive (nothing is being coughed up). The prognosis is good. Prevention is by vaccinating for canine adenovirus, distemper, parainfluenza, and Bordetella.
When our dogs had it a couple of years ago, it took 8 days after exposure to show, and our vet said to keep them away from other dogs for 3 weeks after coughing has stopped, as they can still shed the virus. It spreads like wildfire, so best to be responsible to avoid spreading to others. We left 5 or 6 weeks I think, but dogs do get very close to each other when racing.

Fingers crossed for you that your dogs don't go down with it - time will tell.
My Whipps have just got over KC.

I was at 2 shows either side of Christmas and went to 2 shows the first weekend in Jan. On the Monday the first one started, 4 out of 7 had it, the 3 that didn't was 1 I had at both shows and our 2 13 year olds.

We(the dogs) havn't had it for about 15 years.

Really annoying for the dogs inparticular but I have to miss a show this weekend, luckily it isn't a champ show at £22+ a go.
Agreeing with all that has been said. When I rescued Millie , she brought it in to the house and all the dogs went down with it. Bluebell was quite ill and coughed for ages afterwards. Rosie was the worst and it was quite scary ! The others weren`t too bad.

My vet gave me antibiotics for all of them and I gave them BENYLIN DRY cough mixture which helped. The vaccine only protects for 6 months then they can still get it again if they come in to contact with it.

My advice would be that if your dogs start to cough...get to the vet ASAP for an antibiotic.

Don`t worry, they get over it fine but it can be distressing for the owner...very like having a child with hooping cough or croup....Having said that...Steaming can help too as it does with croup.
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Great advice here! Scarlett had it as a pup and my other 3 went down with it.Sounded awful.After a couple of vet visits they were as right as rain! All will be well :huggles:

mollymop said:
:x please can anyone tell me how infectsionus is kennel cough my friends dog got it and i dont no how long he had it    but my yorkies have been they  and i was there today can my doggies get it i didnt touch him

(w00t) Hi Mollymop. Kennel cough takes four to five days for the symptoms to show - coughing and runny yellow mucus from their noses. It last between 14-20 days and is highly contagious to other dogs. We adopted a whippet two weeks ago from a rescue centre and she had it- it`s not very nice at all.- Carthny