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Kennel Cough Outbreak


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In tonight's local paper it is reporting that there is a Kennal cough outbreak in the

Edinburgh area. Has anyone had dogs that have had Kennel cough? I am wondering wether to get Megan vaccinated as a precaution, as I take her to the local park and Blackford hill which is popular for dog walkers. I always thought you only caught it in Kennels, but I was wrong it seems :(
there have been outbreaks all over the country if it is in the area where you live I would advise to have the vaccine
gypsy has had it done.........good job too........the kennels she was in for a week had a outbreak.......she's fine though :thumbsup:

although even if they have had it, it doesnt guarentee they wont get it
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I posted about this yesterday, as I was worried Penny may catch it as our neighbours dog has it and one that visits and neither have been in kennels. Im in central Scotland and heard there are quite a few dogs who have caught it. Im just hoping Penny doesn't catch it.
I think I might phone my vet and see about getting Megan the vaccine. It sounds an awful thing for them to get. I just hope the vaccine is safe, well I suppose as safe as vaccines can be. When she has her annual boosters she is always ok, so hopefully the Kennel cough vaccine will be ok for her to have as well.
gypsy was fine with hers.........although it could the vet a while to do it.........she didnt much like having liquid squirted up her nose :- "
I only ever had my lot vaccinated against kennel cough once . I had 3 dogs done but not the other 3 cann't remember why I didn't have them all done but there must have been a reason. Anyway they went into kennels and guess what.

The 3 that had been vaccinated against it got it the 3 that weren't vaccinated didn't get it. :oops:

Even the vet couldn't explain why this happened
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Just phoned my vet and she said the paper has blown it way out of proportion :- " It's not near as rife as they have said and they have had loads of people phoning up as to wether to get there dogs vaccinated today. She said that even with the vaccine there is a high chance the dog would catch it anyway and they have had dogs in the past that have had the vaccine that have came in with Kennel cough. She said it is not life threatening and a 7 day course of antibiotics would clear it. Also a couple of teaspoons of Benylyn can be given to ease the cough. She advised me against getting the vaccine. So I am now a bit undecided.
Many years ago I went to a training class and as I arrived a labrador coughed a couple of times. The lady, a stranger to our club, pretended it was choking on it's collar but I left immediately (and made a formal complaint). I heard later she was asked to leave.

But it was too late.. all four of my dogs developed it straight away and one became seriously ill with damage to her lungs. (and two of them were vaccinated)

I never saw that woman again which is just as well for her sake. :rant: If your dog catches it, it's your duty to stay away from other dogs - it's highly contagious :( Mine were in isolation for weeks :angry:
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Is kennel cough something that i could bring back to my dogs?

Both of mine are vaccinated (as the kennel they go to occasionally insists on it) but from whats been said its not really that much protection.

I'm planning on going to a game fair at the weekend and have already been having second thoughts about taking the dogs with me.


is it like parvo, in that I could actually bring it back with me? or would they need to be in the presence of an infected dog to catch it?