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Keeping Dogs With Bitchs


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We have 2 bitches,

we are looking for a puppy to race, what are your opinions on having a dog pup this time.

A good idea or not.

If we did do we get him done or do we have the girls spade or should they all be done.

I know plenty of people out there have both so advice PLEASE
i have two dogs and two bitches one has been spayed and the other will be done shortly as it was a nightmare when my girl was in season for both myself and my dogs, but i know others manage fine with both sexes entire ,other than that they all get along fine one thing i do find is when were out walking if we come across other dogs my boys go into protect mode with the girls usually they bark at the other dog but nothing that i cant handle :D the girl rule the roost in this house and my boys put up with everything they thow at them :huggles: but all in all they live together pretty well :cheers:
Sorry no advice but ive wondered the same because ive one lurcher bitch that has been spade and a whippet dog who i had done . Aswell a whippet bitch who i decided to have a litter from . And i was going to keep a bitch but fell in love with a dog instead . Hes 11 weeks old now and i would like to try him at racing . But im not sure whot to do myself about dog and bitch together ? Sorry for rambling on . Look forward to see what advice you get .
imo, for racing if your having a dog with the bitches then i would get "him" done or "both girls" spayed, my sister has both and has just had her bitch spayed...every time one of the girls was in season 1 of her boys was terrible, he would almost lame himself trying to get to her, and he wasnt worth running as he was sooooooo stress by the bitch in season :wacko: :wacko: he also used to drop alot of weight.

as i say this is just what i think, i know alot of people mix dogs + bitches

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we have 2 casterd mail greyhounds 3 spayed bitches and 4 non spayed bitches with no problems the lads dont care about any of the girls that come in season infact they get feed up of girls bit stuck in there faces :lol: but I think it would be differnt if they had used there bits before they lost them. I did think about what would happen if lacey had a litter of all dogs and would we be abell to keep an entire mail as a pet and to race but it just would not work as we dont have kennales and only use cages if there sick or travling
some k9ers will have reason to keep both bitches and dogs entire. Can you give advice on management (of dogs) when the bitches are in season?

if they are on the same premises (how) is it possible to maximize separation and minimise scents enough to keep the males from going crazy? Do you have much problems with males fighting each other when there is an in-season bitch on site?
I have just taken on a bitch pup and her brother, and I also have their half brother and their sire who are both entire. I wouldn't like to see the boys falling out over the bitch, and because of this I am considering having her spayed before her first season. I worked for a vet for many years who advocated spaying before first season. I have had bitches spayed before and after 1st season, and I would always prefer to wait until after a first season.

Bubble and Squeak was spayed at 5 months old, and she is now 14, and has never had any side effect or detrimental effects that we know of. Of course we don't know if she would have run any faster if she hadn't been spayed so early - but I went with the advice of the vet I worked for. I would prefer to leave my puppy intact until she has matured, but I really don't think it is fair to the boys to keep her under the same roof. She may go back to the Peppermints who bred her for her first season, as their boys are (or will be) castrated - but I will have to see if she would continue to fit into their home and pack. I would miss her dreadfully too, so who knows if I will be able to live without her :unsure: Perhaps I will come too Julie (w00t) Freshly laid Peppermint chicken eggs for breakfast makes it sound very inviting :teehee:

I certainly wouldn't plan to keep both under the same roof, and although I have heard many times that castrating a dog affects it's perfomance, it's certainly not true of Peppermint Bobster who runs brilliantly. It is easier to have dogs castrated, and Andy you have no real reason to spay your bitches unless it is your preference. I have had all my bitches spayed unless I wanted to breed from them, and then they were spayed afterwards. It does help protect them from getting mammary tumours, and guard against pyometra later in life - both of which I have had experience of. Also they don't have to sit on the sidelines when their mates are all racing :thumbsup:
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