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Keep Your Fingers Crossed Please


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Can everyone please keep their fingers crossed :luck: I broke my wrist on Thursday then had it re-aligned on Monday which was a barrel of laughs :b

I knew it was going to be fun when they offered me gas+air and even more fun when they brought 3 extra nurses in to help hold me down :unsure: but they did say I was the first person who hadn't swore at them during it :lol:

I'm back in today to have another x-ray and if its stayed put :luck: I can just keep it in plaster :thumbsup: but if its moved I'll have to be wired together with the wires poking through the skin :b

So I want every finger you've got crossed for me today :D because I REALLY don't want wires poking through my skin :x


OMG Steve, poor you :x that must have been a teeny bit uncomfortable then :- "

I'm crossing everything, and so are the boys, we really don't want you to have sticky out bits :luck: :luck: :luck:
aww dear me ,crossing fingers and toes for you today :luck: :luck: :luck: :huggles:
omg steve good luck for today :luck: :luck: :luck:
OUCHHH... (w00t) ........that does sound painful......gas and air :- " ........try having a baby :lol: :lol:

no sorry Steve seriously hope you soon have it sorted....and you are still able to walk the dogs soon. :) :luck:
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Fingers crossed here to Steve :luck:

How did you manage to do it ? :blink:

Fingers crossed it stays put :luck: :luck: :luck:

Errr,you weren't pedalling that bike of yours too fast again were you? :blink: :lol:
Oh Steve! :( I've had a broken wrist realigned and it was no fun! They had me chained to the wall!! (w00t) Luckily I didn't need surgery so fingers crossed you won't either! :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Thanks everyone :) well so far so good its all stayed where it should be :thumbsup: back next Wednesday for another x ray so I'll be needing more crossed fingers :D

No its no fun at all Hilary :b you obviously look more threatening than me though if they chained you to a wall :lol:


Oh, Steve that all sounds terrible. Hope it heals well for you, you brave man :D
Jones said:
Thanks everyone  :)   well so far so good its all stayed where it should be  :thumbsup:   back next Wednesday for another x ray so I'll be needing more crossed fingers  :D
Excellent news! :thumbsup:

Jones said:
No its no fun at all Hilary  :b   you obviously look more threatening than me though if they chained you to a wall  :lol:


How very dare you! (w00t) :p :lol: Actually they chained me cos it was only the one doctor doing it. I chose to lay on a trolley cos if I can faint I will. :rolleyes: She chained (loosely) my upper arm to the wall and was massaging my wrist with oil. I'd had a pain killer straight into the front part of my wrist which was excruciating! "Try and relax" she said! Then, without telling me what she had planned, she bent my wrist against the table till it aligned properly. It stung a bit :- " - understatement of the year! Good job I was lying down! (w00t) Don't think the pain killer did anything. Then they plastered my wrist at a funny angle. It worked though. :thumbsup: All this was in Denmark about 20 years ago. Got lots of attention from English doctors when I came back home.

My wrist is absolutely fine now with no residual problems so hopefully you'll heal well too. Mind you, I was still a baby of 19 back then! :p :lol:
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Thanks Helen glad someone has finally acknowledged how brave I've been :lol:

Sounds like you had exactly the same thing done Hilary, right down to the funny angled plaster :D so its reassuring to know all went well with yours :thumbsup:


Glad all looks well Steve :D tell us how you did it then :unsure:

I'll humour you too, :p you poor thing that must have been soooo painful you're very brave :teehee: I bet your wife has suffered more though there's nothing like a poorly man :- "
Glad your wrist is staying put at the moment :thumbsup: - I had mine re-aligned, but they gave me gas and air AND pethidine and I felt no pain whatsover, just a lot of pulling and clunking!! :blink: The doctors were brilliant, I must say! :thumbsup: All healed well with no further problems, hope yours is the same, you need your fingers for typing! :huggles:
sorry to hear about your broken wrist Steve, hope you soon feel better.

How did you do it, by the way? Were you "pedalling furiously" on your bike?

Get well soon!

See I know you lot are all expecting me to say I was doing something really stupid when I broke my wrist :lol: or I'd had 8 pints of whippet beer :cheers:

But I was just walking along and slipped :b very boring sorry :lol:

I'd just like to say as well :- " I think its very unfair that I just had gas and air and you two had extra painkillers that actually worked :D although thinking about it you can keep your excruciating injection thanks Hilary :D
Ouch - :luck: on Wednesday hope all goes well. Shame there wasnt an exciting story to go along with it - you should have made something up, like you were fell down a disused well, missing for days and only Picco managed to find you. 8)