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Katie, Our 19 Yr Old Cat Again


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You may remember that Katie had an operation to remove one side of her diseased thyroid 7 weeks ago, with a view to removing the other side in 6 weeks time.

Well, today she went in for that operation. She had tests done on her kidneys beforehand as her values were a bit high after her last operation. It turns out that her creatinine level is higher now and this means that an operation brings higher risks, so Jon, our vet was reluctant to carry it out without speaking to me first.

He says that the chances of something going wrong are 20%. (I didn't ask but I presume that means she could die :( ). If she doesn't have the op then it means us having to continue giving her tablets twice a day and to be honest, it is beginning to get very difficult to do that. Also, it would be a lot easier to treat the kidney problem if she didn't have the thyroid problem as well.

Anyway, after talking it over with him we decided to leave her on IV tonight and he would operate in the morning. I know that ultimately the decision is up to us but I wondered what all your feelings were and whether any of you have had to make a similar choice.

I can't help wondering what I would feel like if anything were to happen. I keep telling myself that she is getting on for 20 and has had a lovely, happy life, but on the other hand, I think I will feel so guilty if she did die during the operation. Any thoughts, either to reassure me or make me think again, would be welcome! :thumbsup:
Mmmm, I don't envy you in making a decision - it is a very tough one and I thoroughly sympathise with you :( However, I think you have got to trust your judgement, you know her better than anyone, if it is getting difficult to treat her with tablets twice a day, then maybe it is better to risk the op and what will be, will be. I think that would be what I would think about in making a decision. As you say she has reached the ripe old age of 19 which is a hell of an achievement, so you obviously have done everything you can for her to keep her healthy for so many years. Trust yourself! lots of :huggles: and :luck: xx
I really feel for you, it isn't easy at all. I can't compare the situation but my cat was 20 this year and was sadly put down in May as apparently Minxy was in a lot of pain, she was blind in one eye and the other was due to go any time. For us it was a matter of quality of life and she did have a fantastic life. It was an extremely sad time as I had chosen her when I was 8 years old!

Its never easy, but try and think what life she will have after the operation and she is obviously in good condition for a vet to want to operate on a cat of her age. Like you said if you didn't operate and giving her tablets each day isn't easy then unfortunately this is when you need to think whats truly right for her. If you put her through the operation and it worked - fantastic, and if she did sadly pass away during the operation then the decision is made for you and at least you did what you could.

Not sure if this has helped you at all, but inside I am sure you know what is best for your little girl.

Thinking of you all :luck: :huggles:
We had Topsy,a tabby cat years ago who, at the age of 13 had one thyroid gland removed. She was then on tablets 3 times a day, reduced to twice a day as it stabilised.

She hated me giving the tablets, wouldn't eat the food with them in so to make sure she had them I had to wrap her in a towel twice a day & force a tablet down her throat.

She was due to go back for her check up but vanished one day. I know she went off to die as her heart wasn't good either but I always get upset thinking that for the last few months of her life I did horrible things to her every day (twice) :(

She got to the point where she was running off when I went towards her.

Given the choice now I'd go for the op & if it works thats brilliant but if it didn't then at least you've tried your best & didn't have to upset her with tablets.

TBH if she wasn't going to be in pain I don't even know if I'd have the op done. I may just leave things to take the natural course.

Good Luck with whatever you decide is best :thumbsup:

Its always hard deciding whats best for them and I'm sure whatever you decide will be in her best interest.

IMO if you think she's well enough in herself and will pull through an operation, if its going to give her a decent quality of life then its well worth a go but if there is a chance she won't pull through or her quality of life won't change or not significantly enough for her to carry on for a while longer without taking so many meds then as hard as it may be, it may be kinder to to help her on her way.

By the sounds of it she's led a charmed life and has been loved and cherrished and she knows you will do the best for her no matter what.
Thanks for your thoughts. :thumbsup:

Good news about Katie so far. :) We spoke to the vet about 2.30 and he said she was just coming round and that she had done very well during the operation. She's back on a drip now and will stay in at least 24 hours, possibly 48 so that Jon can keep an eye on her. I think we will probably leave her till Saturday as the more fluids she gets in her the better for her kidneys I should think. They will test her bloods again in the morning, but things are looking encouraging at the moment. :D
Glad her op went well :thumbsup: - I would say that was a good decision, as I certainly remember when I was a vet nurse that we operated on several hyperthyroid cats of that age or even older, who had good results and went on for another few years very happily :thumbsup:
:sweating: phew, that is good news. So glad it is looking better for Katie. Lots of :huggles: and :luck:
gilliwigs said:
Thanks for your thoughts.  :thumbsup:
Good news about Katie so far.  :) We spoke to the vet about 2.30 and he said she was just coming round and that she had done very well during the operation.  She's back on a drip now and will stay in at least 24 hours, possibly 48 so that Jon can keep an eye on her.  I think we will probably leave her till Saturday as the more fluids she gets in her the better for her kidneys I should think.  They will test her bloods again in the morning, but things are looking encouraging at the moment.  :D

Just seen this Gillian,

Im so glad Katie came through it ... :huggles: :huggles:

hope the next few days and beyond go well.. :luck: :luck:
I hope Katie gets on ok Gillian
Well done Katie. :cheers: What a tough old gal you are :huggles:
hope katies home with you all soon :luck:

shes done really well :huggles:
Now this is wonderful news to read first thing in the morning. Bet you are relieved and thinking of you all :huggles:
hows katie gillian ,is she home now????
Goodness, I've only just seen this, Gillian! I was away last week and missed it :(

I do hope Katie has recovered OK and is back home now :huggles: :thumbsup:
jinnyfizz said:
Goodness, I've only just seen this, Gillian! I was away last week and missed it :( I do hope Katie has recovered OK and is back home now :huggles:   :thumbsup:

trish g said:
hows katie gillian ,is she home now????
Katie came home last Friday and seems to be doing well. :) She saw the vet on Monday, and her heart rate has come down again and her weight has gone up a bit. She is actually eating her kidney diet food so I just hope she keeps this up as it will help with her kidney problems, though if she carries on eating like this and sleeping most of the day she is going to get rather fat! (w00t)

I took some pictures last night so I'll post them later. :cheers:
glad shes doing well :huggles:

looking forward to some pics of her :thumbsup: