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K9-Non-Pedigree Forum

kipper fluke

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After reading a lady's comments in the Whippet News-Reader's Writes section this afternoon, I am wondering how many other people who do not have access to a pc feel a bit puzzled or misguided as to the content of the non-ped forum.

I don't know if the lady in question has actually seen this forum for herself or is just going off other's perhaps negative comments.

I myself feel on the whole the forum is positive, not some kind of secret society that dig the knives in behind others backs.

I do feel that those that have not experienced K9-non-ped for one reason or another seem to have a very negative view-maybe they feel threatened in some way???

What are your thoughts?

I think the lady in questions associations with ex NWRF commitee members has something to do with the tone of the letter as does the editorial stance of Whippet News.

At least on K9 if you have the chance to put forward your views without interference even if the site managers don't agree with your views.

I wonder how many letters critical of the NWRF remain unpublished.

I imagine most people in the non ped scene are aware of what is said on K9 and I would imagine that views expressed on K9 are similar to those expressed by those without internet access. K9 doesn't form opinions but is a medium for expressing them.

If the lady hasn't seen K9 how on earth can she write about it?
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i read the same letter myself and this site is about our sport and view's where we chat and have fun and we have as much right as someone who wants to write a letter to put there view's across on to paper as we have to write on the pc . ;)
not only is it a positive site, it is also informative how many questions have been answerd on K9 regarding all aspects of owning a whipet from trainning to feeding, breeding etc, it's also good fun at least 99% of the time (there's always one!) lately the peds are looking at the non peds site, and vice versa, and you can see from the posts that until the questions are asked and answerd on K9 that some people are in the dark as far as the other organisation goes about its racing. This can only help with clearing up rumours not starting them.
K9 is invaluable for being so up to date!

It also gives you chance to get to know people you wouldn't usually get the chance to chat to at opens etc - i would like to think i'd made some pretty good friends from all ends of the country on this site.

Long may it continue :D

Just to add - dont you just love it when you manage to put a face to name you've seen so often on here?
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I have always found k9 a excellent place to debate certain topics , and have interesting chats with some nice people.

I found the lady in questions letter in whippet new quite amusing , coming form someone who never used k9.

Well she got one bit in her letter right

if you haven't got the guts to speak up at a meeting, why on k9
Maybe she might like to ask her friends why they decided to announce there resignation on here instead of at the members meeting or in the whippet news...

dee cant be bothered to swap
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personally i think it gets branded a bigger bitchfest than it actually is and of course people without pc's are just taking other peoples words for it....yeah we have our moments but k9 is generally a friendly site.

ive made friends on here non ped, ped and showing that i would probably never know about unless k9 existed .

i cant help feel that the person who wrote the letter has never seen or heard what happens on k9 99% of the time when we are just generally chatting.......everyone hears about k9 when something juicy comes up :D
Whippet News under Chris Cornish has been guilty of this kind of practice for several years now. When the incumbent BWRA committe first banned members for alleged doping offences back in 1998, Liz Tinsley backed the BWRA in her 'No Limit' column. After I met with Liz and showed her the proof that the BWRA was wrong and that the members were innocent, she wrote a piece to this end. Whippet News refused to publish. Various reasons were given, one of which, according to Liz, was because I had a legal case against Whippet News. This was, of course, false, so Liz resubmitted her article. When Chris Cornish again refused to publish, Liz wrote to WN to inform that she would no longer write for the magazine. Part of the letter is as follows: - 'Whilst the subject matter and choice of interviewee is contraversial, I feel I have achieved a presentation which is acceptable. I cannot find anything about it, stated or implied, that is unreasonable, unfair or offensive.'

But Whippet News went further than this, and its censorship of the minutes of a regional AGM leaves such a bad taste in the mouth that it merits a new topic.

As for the thread of this topic, whilst K9 does indeed offer an open platform for members to discuss topics that might otherwise be censored by the likes of Whippet News, K9 members should avoid complacency, especially if they think that they are liberal with answers. I recently asked in a topic how the BWRA came up with 8-10%. This is a fair question, and there must be plenty of K9 members that know the answer, yet not a single person submitted one.
I read the letter too. "K for killing" hmmmm.

Seems to me that this site is being blamed for people's views as if it is responsible for forming those views. Funny 'cus I thought it just allowed people to express those views - even if they conflict. That's the whole point of discussion forums - they allow people to discuss. Discussion may or may not result in change but "killing" ? I don't think so.

If the internet went away, it wouldn't stop people talking. It merely allows people to talk more easily but unlike the telephone, its out in the open and not behind anyone's back. If you post on the internet, its because you are prepared to stand behind what you say.
Killing 9 - i dont get it lol :D , better tell Nigel he might be up for manslaughter next !!!
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i think that k9 is a good site for racing info and debates

there has been loads of different topics asking/answering questions asked which are open to all members to read.which myself have found very interesting

people who do not use / read this forum regularly do not see that most of the members generally post topics about day to day things to do with racing they only know when something contraversal arises through people telling them ,so therefore only here about the HOT topics so to speak :wacko:
dear mkp i just have to say this and yes iam a freind of paul and chris well i would like to think so but that is not the point im saying this on behalf of the sport which is whippet raceing and there health you seem to have a thing about the b.w.r.a. and the whippet news and this drug thing all i can say is your entitled to your view's but for god sake change the RECORD things are just getting under way and nice and running well even the turnout's are up on both fed and bwra peolple see and hear you and think sod this there all rowing lets get them into the sport not out. :rant:
You must be kidding! I'll not stop until I get a fair hearing and until the members and dogs I represented have their titles reinstated. I found out that the BWRA and Whippet News had lied to the members which is probably why I was banned. And the more people like yourself bury your heads in the sand, the louder I'll shout and the harder I'll fight. If you'd been banned unfairly, would you go quietly? I won't.

Has anyone replyed a letter for whippet news yet?

back on topic again
the letter will boost ratings on k9 :p ......people will tune in to read the mega bitchfest that is k9 and find that really its not that bad
mark pardon the punn but what im saying is let sleeping dogs lie we have heard the debate from you fair play for trying to help others but things just start to getting going on a nice par and bang i dont know why you were banned but it must of been serious for a life ban. just chill and relax life is too short mark make love not war. :huggles: :thumbsup:
well said tony ,Chris does an excellent job with whippet news as well as other areas in racing, this is just another chance for mark to have a dig but not getting into it ,lets go forward not backwards...... :cheers: like john said its about a letter not whippet news.....
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