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Just Wondering


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I have been wondering this for a while now BUT Phoebe does suffer from dry skin her coat is sooo shiny and gorgouse but her skin really dry

heres my question:-

could I put vasilien intensive care body lotion on her to try to stop the dry skin.

I must add she has piltchards once a week.

If not this what can I do?????????


I just love my little girl sooooooo much
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Best not to put emollients on her skin, sue, as all they do is put a greasy layer over the skin to try and lock moisture in. Most of the ingredients used to manufacture them are irritants and can cause more harm than good (in humans too!!)

You can add a cod-liver oil tablet (Tesco do them in the vitamin section) to her food every day - that will help. Also do alot of stroking with a grooming mit which will stimulate the production of moisture to her skin.

Does she have flaky skin?

Another thing to avoid is bathing her .... if you have to bath her then best to use warm water only and avoid any commercially bought dog shampoo.

Alot of it will depend on her diet so what you feed her on a day to day basis will affect her skin too :thumbsup:
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Hi Sue, we have had a dog with that problem and the vet advised us to bath her in baby shampoo, not too often, to moisturise the skin.

i dont bath her to much only 2 time a year spring and aurtom or when shes realy dirty from a run not o offten on bathing have know about there body oils and so on.

But some times like at the mo she dose give off a potent and I do meen potent smell from the behind and I have given her a wipe of baby wipes I think thats when shes in season shes been done I had to do it cos of ablood thing and I nealy lost her then god forgive me for that.

she dose skin up when she stresed when shes gose to the vets and when shes racing but I put that down to she really wants the lure when racing shes very vocal then as others will tell you ( very embarising) shes the nosiest sooo loud lol.

we have tryed her on a new food resently and she dosent seem to like it non of them do so we wont be getting that again anyway.

can any one else think of any thing.

thank you for your help xxx
Try feeding her raw meat and bones, Sue. It works well for all mine and keep their skin and coats in excellent nick :thumbsup:
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Try feeding her raw meat and bones, Sue. It works well for all mine and keep their skin and coats in excellent nick :thumbsup:
I would try cod liver oil. I buy a big bottle of it in liquid form. Don't use too much though, just a small amount added daily will do.


;) hey sue it can also be down to the protein content in the food.all of our dogs have scruff and they seem to scruff more when racing . but the reason why ours have scruff alot is because they are on such a high protein diet.try her and the rest on beta greyhound and old friend of ours swears by it for giving them a lovely coat and also stops them from scruffing.As from the potent smell that comes from her back end it could be her anal glands .they might be full and need squizzing :x :x .once this is done the smell should go away.if it is her anal glands and once you get them done give her diced raw carrot in her food and that should stop the anal gland problem

hope this is a help sarah xxxxxx :*
thanks all

sarah how am I suposed to get her anal glad done when she wont let anyone near her lol so how do I do it lol xxx
Anal gland clearance is fairly easy. Get a wad of kitchen towel in one hand to collect the gunk then massage the glands externally. If this doesn't work slip your smallest finger just inside and massage internally. Very gently massage is all that's needed.

I had a dog who needed very high Vit A content in his food otherwise he had dry skin and a starey coat. Cod liver oil worked well with him.
Hi Sue

Pop to your local country (horsey) store and pick up some seaweed, garlic granals and bottle of cod liver oil and add a little of each in her food once every day.

For the seaweed and Garlic add a finger full like you would salt to season something you were cooking :teehee:

Its always worked a treat with mine and my family have been doing this for donkeys years with our greyhounds! :thumbsup:
Anal gland clearance is fairly easy. Get a wad of kitchen towel in one hand to collect the gunk then massage the glands externally. If this doesn't work slip your smallest finger just inside and massage internally. Very gently massage is all that's needed.
I had a dog who needed very high Vit A content in his food otherwise he had dry skin and a starey coat. Cod liver oil worked well with him.

when you say glands do you meen were the poo comes out??? or the pink bit around the hole.???

sorry what a question.I not even sure if she needs this?