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Just seen a dog owner treating there dog awfully advice needed?


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I wonder if anyone can help me, I was in my kitchen and looked up to look out of kitchen window as heard a car.

A large silver car was parked across end of our drive. They got out and were fiddling around out side there car.

Then I see a man who had got out of car. Grab his dog by the neck, carried him by the neck and threw him in open window of car.

I could not believe what I had just seen, my oldest son was standing next to me and saw it all to.

I went to go out side to confront the guy but by the time I got outside they had driven off.

My ring doorbell captured a picture of car but it's too far away and not clear enough to read a number plate.

They were not any of my neighbours and not any one I recognised. I have no idea who they were.

Should I still report it's if don't even know who they are. Or am I wasting my time.

As some one who has had dogs for over 14 years it sickens me to see some one treat a dog like that.

I feel so sorry for that dog, no dog should be treated like that.
Any advice much appreciated

Thanks in advance
How awful.

I'd report it to your local dog warden, the RSPCA and the police. To be honest, I don't really think they will be able to do much, if anything, but if they see a pattern or get repeated reports, it al contributes to the bigger picture.
Wow, that's awful. I hope this scumbag gets what's coming to him. I agree with @JoanneF - report it far and wide, even on social media if that's your thing, as it may build up a pattern of reports for this same event (your Ring footage could even be evidential). Others may have seen it and reported it, or even better captured on video. Might be worth asking your neighbours if they have anything on a similar device if you're on good terms with them.

Stuff like this sickens me and I have nothing but bad thoughts for people like this. Please let us know of any updates.