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Just Got My First Whippet Pup!

I think itdepened on the pup and the houes if you lived in my houes you would put a jumper on a pup cos i have windows open all year and hate heat. indy will go get her jumper if shes cold yet others of mine dont need it it realy does depend on the houes and the pup. if your heatings off at night and its chilly were the pup sleeps esepcily if you fined the pup unsettled when its cold it could do with something on but if its warm and content doenst need it. there all different even here when all my others are cold cally never seams to be allthough that could be cos thers ususly at least 3 whippets on top of her.
He is adorable :wub:

Looks just like a mini version of Toddy :) (I just hope he is not as much of a handful in the weeks to come!)
I thought he looked a little lean too , could be the angle ,
but WHY has he got a coat on indoors ?? cute as it looks , it really isnt necessary

the weather is so mild and he looks to have a thickish puppy coat .

Whippets are tougher than they look . trust me

Shall we take bets on how long it will be before you get number 2 ? lol

welcome to K9

:D Oh My God...How lucky are you to have ALL those gorgeous whippets......I am seriously jealous!!! :D

We are still looking for number 2
Awww - Isn't he cute!!

Re: Jumper - Paula wears her coat in the house and she's 1 on Saturday.

If I haven't lit the fire she shivvers like mad without her coat.

Re: Weight - If you all had seen Paula when she was that age you would have sworn

I never fed her. It took until she was around 5 months not to look like an RSPCA case.

She had as much as she wanted to eat and, it was not until I started cooking sausages :eek: for her

that she began to eat a bit more.

So, little Ollie looks gorgeous - you will have so much fun and I'll bet you want another soon!

Hi all thanks for the comments. He is only wearing the jumper because he had just come inside and flopped over lol!

I definately wont be having more than one whippet for the time being, i already have two other dogs! dont think the rest of the family would allow it :(

dont worry he is definately eating plenty of food!
aw what a cute little fella... I love the photo of him in his jumper :wub:
What a little beauty. :wub: My puppy's seven and half months and the time has just flown so have fun with your whippet. :)
Awww little Ollie is gorgeous and so cute :wub: :huggles:
Ollie looks absolutely smashing, totally adorable :wub: :wub: Hope you are enjoying him loads, WHIPPETS are the best :D
Love the name Ollie....and wow what a gorgeous pup youve chosen... :wub:

You are in for years and years of whippetty fun... :thumbsup: Good luck
Awwww what a sweetheart Ollie is :wub: My hubby just melted at him in his wee jumper :lol:

You'll LOVE having a whippet - they're just the best! :D My two are only 5 days old now so it'll be a few weeks before I can bring them home....but I am stocking up on batteries for the camera in preparation for the hundreds of piccies I'll no doubt be taking of them!!! :p

Look forward to seeing Ollie growing up - he's SO handsome :wub:
He is adorable :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: ..................We have a Oliver..............but we end up calling him Ollie :lol: :D