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Just Been Told I Cant Hunt Furry Animals

kim & Tilly

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I put an ad on our internet in work (i work with the police) and one of the officers has posted this back to me.

Section 1 of the Hunting Act 2004 makes it an offence to hunt wild mammals with dogs

1 A person commits an offence if he hunts a wild mammal with a dog.

so now im confused :blink:
Found the exempt bits :- "


3 The hunting of rats is exempt if it takes place on land-

(a) which belongs to the hunter, or

(b) which he has been given permission to use for the purpose by the occupier or, in the case of unoccupied land, by a person to whom it belongs.


4 The hunting of rabbits is exempt if it takes place on land-

(a) which belongs to the hunter, or

(b) which he has been given permission to use for the purpose by the occupier or, in the case of unoccupied land, by a person to whom it belongs.
Tell them to stop being ignorant pratts and to read the full law INCLUDING the excemptions.

they will find that Rabbits & Rats are excempt. :thumbsup:

isn't it great when those in charge of enforcing the law havn't bothered to read and fully understand them. :angry:

They only understand what they want to at the end of the day!

If it means not getting it right then the people who are not sure of the law end up paying for it!
Kim and Tilly said:
Found the exempt bits :- "

3    The hunting of rats is exempt if it takes place on land-

  (a) which belongs to the hunter, or

  (b) which he has been given permission to use for the purpose by the occupier or, in the case of unoccupied land, by a person to whom it belongs.


4    The hunting of rabbits is exempt if it takes place on land-

  (a) which belongs to the hunter, or

  (b) which he has been given permission to use for the purpose by the occupier or, in the case of unoccupied land, by a person to whom it belongs.

It would probally have paid you to read that first before posting on such a touchy subject , Do you think all of us who hunt rabbits with our dogs on here would post pics if it was illegal ?

please don't take it personally kim, but we've had it hard this last year they've banned our hare coursing and fox hunting and it gets me a little worked up to say the least when people try to tell me what i'm doing is illegal (when i know it's completely legal).

It's about time the bbc stopped quoting that it's illegal to hunt mammals with dogs in this country. every assumes we are breaking the law including the police who don't know the correct law themselves. :- "
goodasgold said:
dessie said:
And what about squirrels??

SHOOT THEM!!!! :oops:

or let the dog get them, there tree rats (the grey ones)


tilly with a tree rat :lol:
The Rule on Rats from the Defra web site

The Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949 places an obligation on both local authorities and occupiers of land to take steps to ensure, as far as practicable, that land is kept free from rats. On the basis of the evidence available it is considered that the use of dogs to control rat populations is an appropriate method of controlling the population which does not cause unnecessary suffering Since shooting rats is impractical, the alternatives to using dogs such as poisoning and trapping are likely to cause more suffering to rats and other animals. For this reason, the use of dogs is regarded as humane and the Act includes ratting as a class of exempt hunting (provided that the prior permission of the occupier of the land is obtained).

And the Rabbit bit

Why does the Act ban hare coursing but exempt rabbit hunting?

Rabbits are a pest in most parts of the country. Rabbit populations grow very rapidly during the breeding season and farmers wish to control them to prevent serious damage to their crops. Many rabbits are shot, rather than taken with dogs, but the use of dogs provides a relatively humane means of controlling them – more humane a and efficient than other methods which can result in greater suffering. Rabbit hunting does not involve the use of large packs of dogs or a significant or prolonged chase element (the rabbit is either caught and dispatched quickly by the much larger dog, through a single bite to the neck, or it goes to ground immediately in a hole which the dog cannot enter). Hunting rabbits is also a traditional means of gathering food. The animal welfare agencies have accepted that there is a case for hunting rabbits and have not pressed for its inclusion in the ban.

By contrast, hares are seldom a significant pest, and where they are shooting is used to a large extent to deal with them. Lord Burns found that an estimated 200,000 to 300,000 hares are shot in Britain each year (paragraph 5.85),

while hunts killed in the region of 1,650 hares in a season (paragraph and official hare coursing accounted for around 250 animals. (paragraph 5.90).
mally said:
Kim and Tilly said:
Found the exempt bits :- "

3     The hunting of rats is exempt if it takes place on land-

  (a) which belongs to the hunter, or

  (b) which he has been given permission to use for the purpose by the occupier or, in the case of unoccupied land, by a person to whom it belongs.


4     The hunting of rabbits is exempt if it takes place on land-

  (a) which belongs to the hunter, or

  (b) which he has been given permission to use for the purpose by the occupier or, in the case of unoccupied land, by a person to whom it belongs.

It would probally have paid you to read that first before posting on such a touchy subject , Do you think all of us who hunt rabbits with our dogs on here would post pics if it was illegal ?

please don't take it personally kim, but we've had it hard this last year they've banned our hare coursing and fox hunting and it gets me a little worked up to say the least when people try to tell me what i'm doing is illegal (when i know it's completely legal).

It's about time the bbc stopped quoting that it's illegal to hunt mammals with dogs in this country. every assumes we are breaking the law including the police who don't know the correct law themselves. :- "

:oops: sorry mally, i in no way wanted to imply what you were doing was illigal, more that i knew you were doing it ligally and wanted to know where to get the information to tell him he was wrong.. :- "