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Just A Reminder

Jan Doherty

New Member
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Just a reminder about the website

This is now linking up with the New IG Rescue Charity.
Do you think this might be the start of another club in the long term Jan.

That is a question I have been asked frequently over the past few weeks. It seems that every one is waiting for me to make a move :- "

The only thing stopping me from persuing it is the time factor otherwise I might have made a few enquiries with the Kennel Club by now as to the options open to us. Of course the present club would put every obstacle in our path but quite honestly the way they have behaved recently it is certainly swaying me towards looking at a new club. It depends on how many people are genuinely looking for an alternative club, I could be persuaded.
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Jan Doherty said:
quite honestly the way they have behaved recently it is certainly swaying me towards looking at a new club. It depends on how many people are genuinely looking for an alternative club, I could be persuaded.
There would be a lot of support out here, Jan. :thumbsup:
Just visited your iggy site Jan~ found it really informative & interesting ;) well done ;)

Will be visiting quite regulary,to see these gorgeous little power packs :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Ooooooh i want one :huggles:

Caz x
Congratulations :cheers: on a billiant site. :thumbsup: Some excellent informtion and delightful pictures :wub: :wub:
My hubby will probably divorce me for this but I don't mind doing some explorations regarding the setting up of an alternative club. I certainly sense that people do seem rather fed up with the situation as it is at the moment. I like to go to shows and ENJOY them, whereas in the last couple of shows I went to there was definitely an atmosphere which was not particularly enjoyable. So heavens to Betsy knows how potential new owners feel when they attend.

Why should there not be an alternative club if there are sufficient people to support it. When a Cavalier club (ok I know it's a numerically strong breed) was set up a few years ago people said then it wouldn't get off the ground as there were already clubs covering the same area, but it did and now they have Champ Show status.

Naturally people will be required to serve on any committee that may be formed and therefore if people on this forum want it to happen perhaps they could indicate their support for it.

Let me know what you think Jan. I'm sure we can set up a poll on the forum. I'll see if I can get it set up and then we can have a realistic idea as to whether it would be feasible.
