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Just a girl, with a dog, and a GOAL ...

Nic Crampton

New Member
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My big goal is to ensure that everyone knows there is a safe, supportive, non-judgemental space to turn to if their dog is showing signs of anxiety, fear, frustration or aggression (that's what goes on inside RDuk in case you didn't know - along with providing qualified, expert, professional guidance!)

But I've got a personal current goal for me too!

Goal: To have a fabulous family holiday WITH my Jen (fear-aggressive to other dogs and frustrated greetings with other dogs when on lead) along with my mum, my brother, his family and yup, my brothers dog too - in July this year in Wales.
Yes ... eek!

My mini goal this week therefore - is 2 successful outings in busier on-lead environments.

Jen is doing great with off leaders and we're working to help her feel comfortable and chilled with on-leaders (sounds the wrong way round I know, but EVERY dog is unique!).
One step at a time!!! It applies to us all!

What's your goal ?
xx nic
What's your goal ?

Sadly, my dog has passed now, but...

... my original goal was to be able to separate Jasper from something he shouldn't have, whether it be socks or food, another dog's ball that he'd nicked, a bone that he found on our travels, without risking life or limb. And to be able to walk him without a muzzle 'just in case'.

The day I gave up on this goal - when I had been attempting some training with a rabbit skin and some raw steak and it didn't go well - was a turning point. We accepted who he was, we 'managed' him, we worked out the best strategies for incidents such as when he stole my mum's handbag because she'd left a crust of ham sandwich in it (she didn't think this counted as food), and we accepted that his muzzle was as much a part of his walks as was his collar and our shoes. Then I could stop doing battle with him and start falling in love with him all over again.

So, be relaxed about your goals, be happy with any step you take, and if you don't get the whole way - accept it for what it is.

I know you know this Nic - good luck with both your mini-goals and your long-term goal :)
Sadly, my dog has passed now, but...

... my original goal was to be able to separate Jasper from something he shouldn't have, whether it be socks or food, another dog's ball that he'd nicked, a bone that he found on our travels, without risking life or limb. And to be able to walk him without a muzzle 'just in case'.

The day I gave up on this goal - when I had been attempting some training with a rabbit skin and some raw steak and it didn't go well - was a turning point. We accepted who he was, we 'managed' him, we worked out the best strategies for incidents such as when he stole my mum's handbag because she'd left a crust of ham sandwich in it (she didn't think this counted as food), and we accepted that his muzzle was as much a part of his walks as was his collar and our shoes. Then I could stop doing battle with him and start falling in love with him all over again.

So, be relaxed about your goals, be happy with any step you take, and if you don't get the whole way - accept it for what it is.

I know you know this Nic - good luck with both your mini-goals and your long-term goal :)

Hi Judy - I am sorry to hear of your dogs passing. Accepting our dogs for who they are is always the first step. Sometimes it is the only step - but it is always the first step to loving life with our dogs that have special needs.
thank you so much for your reply ... We will have a PLAN B for everything so we can always find an escape route if she is at all stressed and allow her chill time and a safe space x