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Joint Birthdays


Maid Your Point
Reaction score
2 birthdays in our house today.

Happy 1st Birthday to Bea (What's Your Rush) and litter mates No Point, No Rush, Marble, Adi Lin, Merlin, Misty and Seans other little girl. Heard good reports about some of the litter so can't wait to see them next year.

Also celebrating her 10th Birthday is Grandma Ella (Taylor Maid) and her littermates Moonpie and Stormcloud.

Since Bea inherited Granny Elzi's greediness, there'll be no nice picture of them sat sharing a birthday cake :thumbsup:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gang :thumbsup:
Happy Birthday Ella! :huggles:

Hope you've had a lovely day and had your fair share of bird seed / lush bath bombs / tins of quality street etc etc etc and are currently lounging under a duvet! (w00t)

Lot's of love from your boy Dobs xxx

Happy Birthday also to Amber (Moonpie) and Eddie (Stormcloud) :huggles: Tried singing happy birthday to Amber but she hasn't mellowed with age and was bouncing off the walls with giddiness! :lol:

and Happy 1st Birthday to Bea and all her brothers and sisters, look forward to seeing you all soon! :wub: